Filter media for Eheim 2213


Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou
Well, I finally got an Eheim 2213. Yay! Got it for fifty-one dollars and some-odd cents off of Ebay, and got to go pick it up 'cause the seller lived close to me. I'm very excited about it and can't wait to start using it. However, I need some media for it, first. It came with some ceramic media, but I need media for the rest of it. What should I get for the rest of it? I don't care if it's Eheim brand or not (I think that would be rather expensive), I just want the media for it. The diagram shows two filter pads and two areas of other media. For the pads, can I use filter floss and/or a sponge cut to shape? What do you recommend for the other media? This filter is for a planted tank.

Thank you very much :)

aka Married Lizard :wub:
I use ceramic or sintered glass, (siporax), tubes as the first stage, open cell sponge or some "scouring pad" like things that are genuine Eheim parts, and some floss on top.

Most of my filters have an additional stage on them filled with siporax. The extra stage gives more bacterial area and the extra length gives my CO2 more time to dissolve.

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