Filter Material- Need Help


New Member
Jan 22, 2008
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Tullahoma, Tennessee
Here I go again with the dumb ??? Ready to go with my 24gal aquapod. I've read and read and occasionally conflicting info, so therefore please bear with me, get the feeling I need to be a vet to ask ! I am contemplating ordering Chemi-pure carbon, and Purigen, now in the aquapod there are only two compartments, one on left, water input, "filter area", on right is output, "power head". The carbon will be in a bag, I assume, and the purigen is a pad or
something of that description, now do I just lay them in the bottom of the compartment near the outlet or what ? Also I am ordering 30# of live rock, do I need anything else in the filter area? There is no way you can hurt this old boys feelings so come on tell me what "needs" to happen!

Thanks much
Just a note, I have recently started my 24g D&D you probably have read my threads or as I see 'em desparate pleas' for information and guidance. I have purigen and put it in the chamber with the filter pump, the result was it obstructed the inlet to the pump. The pump in response had a reduced output and made all kinds of buzzing noises. If you can, try to put them in the other chamber. What is actually in the other chamber..?
Secondly if you can get hold of some macro algae do so; it is brilliant stuff. As you see from the main board there are lots of crazy fishes post focusing on pH. Since the rock with macro went in to the tank I have not had to dose with anything and my parameters are all right where I like 'em. I like the look of the macro in the tank but if you don't SH has recently showed me how to incorporate a refugium into the back of the tank. You could see if you could modify that setup for your tank. Just a few ideas to think about.

And as SH likes to tell everyone TAKE IT SLOWLY, don't rush. Live rock, cycle and then add the cleanup crew but don't rush to fish and corals. I am sure you know this as I did but what we know and what we do may be very different things....... Thankfully I only lost my cleaner shrimp and the GSP is now emerging.

Regards :good:
I am setting up an aquapod too, this is what i did:

1st compartment ( rigth side)- filled it with chaeto- and at the bottom some rubble from live rock
2nd compartment- has that annoying stock pump that i want to get rid off.

** i would suggest using some type of material to keep the chaeto in that compartment because i have little pieces in my main tank.....
I was thinking of using seagel in a media bag-i was going to use a seaweed clip to hold it so it wont go floating and possibly blocking the pump.

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