filter just stopped, how long have i got????


Fish Fanatic
Feb 29, 2004
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36 inch aquarium, roughly 15 inch's of fish, just ordered a pump from ebay but will prob take few days to arrive, what can i do to help them?
also run an airstone or two if you can the bacteria will require some o2. Watch your temp to ensure it does not get too high. Can you get anything to help you out temporarily? even an old corner filter, or hob that someone or lfs may be able to lend you. Clean it well first if you can get one.

Good Luck with the situation :huh:
i am using a bubble thingy with a stone on end

the knackard filter was a fuluva 2 and the new one is a fuluva 4 is there any difference?

will my tank have to cycle again?

or can i use the filter from the knackard one?
the fluval 2 is rated for 27 gal tank and filters just over 100 gal per hour while the fluval 4 is rated for a 57 gal and filters 260 gal per hour. The 4 also has flow control which i believe the 2 does not. HTH
:fish: By the time your new filter arrives the bacteria in your old one will be dead, if you add it to your tank you will make the situation much worse :-( . you will have to go through a cycle I'm afraid.
You could try wrapping the sponge from your old filter around a piece of aquarium pipe with holes drilled in it and attatch a powerhead, you can attatch the sponge with cable ties, make sure you put a piece of sponge in the end of the pipe to prevent any fish being sucked up, this will keep the bacteria alive until your new filter arrives. :)
Another temporary solution is to drill holes in a funnel(the wide end) and place it upside down in an ice cream tub or margarine tub, cover this with gravel from the top half inch of your substrate and put an airstone down the narrow end of the funnel, this will use the bacteria on your gravel to keep the water sweet, doesn't look very pretty but it works :D
but the broken filter is still in the tank, surely it would be ok for a few days?
:fish: The bacteria in your filter survive because of the oxygenated water that flows over the filter medium, if the pump is not pumping water the bacteria die because they are not getting oxygen. You have approximately 4-6 hours before all the bacteria in your filter is dead once the power has stopped.
You have approximately 4-6 hours before all the bacteria in your filter is dead once the power has stopped.

Out of curiosity, where did you get that information from?
not sure why stopped, i decided was time to clean filter so cleaned it with some tank water (lightly shaked the element in the water) placed back together in tank and now not working lol, i can feel it slightly vibrating but no water flow is coming out

i cant believe i have gotta start the whole cycle proccess again that fookin sucks big time. :sad:

bet ill bloody loose some fish now
You tank will NOT cycle. There should be enough bacteria in your substrate, decor, etc. to help with the bioload. Just keep up with the water changes very frequent. I would add a cheap powerhead with a venturi system to keep the tank well oxygenated.

I'm unfamiliar with your filter, but if you have a sponge media that was in your filter, remove it and leave it in your tank. The bacteria on the media will remain. Then when you new filter arrives, use the sponge in there if is possible. Otherwise, after several weeks, you can remove the sponge media in the tank.
no the filter is circular and tube like, and made out or a scouring pad type material, im hoping that the filter will fit the new pump

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