Filter In Snail Tank


New Member
Jul 23, 2006
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Bromley, Kent
Hi everyone,

I have 2 aquariums, one for my goldfish and one for my apple snails. I was using an external filter on the snail tank as someone gave it to me with the tank. I have never been able to get on with it and last night it seemed to die completely. I have ordered an internal filter from ebay for the tank as a replacement. How long will my snails be ok for without a filter? I am using an air stone at the moment so at least they are getting some oxygen in the tank but I don't want the lack of filtration to affect them.
I think if you do water changes with gravel vacuuming regularly they should be ok for a week or more. Don't feed to much and keep a close eye on the water.
I think if you do water changes with gravel vacuuming regularly they should be ok for a week or more. Don't feed to much and keep a close eye on the water.

Thanks, I will try to do a water change today. Only problem being that 2 clutches of eggs have just hatched and I don't want to suck up the babies!!

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