Filter Ideas


Fish Fanatic
Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
Thought I would try and pick some of your brains if you don't mind for some ideas,

I'm trying to research the best filtration system for my new 38 UK gal tank and would appreciate any ideas.

There will be 3 or 4 plants in it but not overly so. I have saved a spare bit of cash of this so cost isn't too much of a problem.

In the past I have always used a filter like a fluval and this is all. I've not seen or heard much about bio wheels or canisters? so not too sure how these work.

Doesn't anyone use undergravel filters anymore?!

What is best?!?! arrgghhh!! This is tough!

ANY and all advise appreciated!
ugf = better than none :/
internal sponge = better than ugf :)
3 stage filters(bio, chemical &mechanical) = very good :D
bio wheels = (apparently) great :thumbs:
cannisters = second best :nod:
sumps = best :hooray:
In my experience canister, hanging power with and without bio-wheels, sponge filters, ugf's, (our chief concern), and honestly you can't go wrong with any of them, it really depends on personal preference and what you want out of it. Everybody prefers different ones and you will get many, many opinions on them. I'll try to narrow down the pro's and con's of them, as I see them.

Canister: (my favourate)
Pros: They hold a ton of media, maximize bio-filtration through slow water movement, are easy to maintain, completely silent, are extremely versatile, provide good water movement, and despite some belief the ouput can be adjusted to disturb the surface of the water and create oxygen exchange
Cons: Expensive to purchase, lower flow rate means weaker large-mechanical filtration then other power filters

Hanging Power Filters: (In my experience those with and without bio-wheels work equally well)
Pros: can be inexpensive to purchase, lots of water flow for mechanical filtration, very easy to maintain, excellent aeration, decent water movement, can be very quiet
Cons: The downpour of water can be overwhelming in shallower tanks, can be loud, can be expensive

Sponge Filters:
Pros: Very inexpensive to purchase, almost free to maintain, good aeration
Cons: limited mechanical filtration capability, takes up space, can be loud

UGF (under gravel)
Pros: Excellent bio-filtration while taking up no real space, very inexpensive
Cons: Rather then performing mechanical fitration it actually makes the tank much dirtier overtime, trapping crud under the plates and being impossible to clean without dissembling the whole tank. Can be loud.
thecichlidaddict said:
In my experience canister, hanging power with and without bio-wheels, sponge filters, ugf's, (our chief concern), and honestly you can't go wrong with any of them, it really depends on personal preference and what you want out of it. Everybody prefers different ones and you will get many, many opinions on them. I'll try to narrow down the pro's and con's of them, as I see them.

Canister: (my favourate)
Pros: They hold a ton of media, maximize bio-filtration through slow water movement, are easy to maintain, completely silent, are extremely versatile, provide good water movement, and despite some belief the ouput can be adjusted to disturb the surface of the water and create oxygen exchange
Cons: Expensive to purchase, lower flow rate means weaker large-mechanical filtration then other power filters

Hanging Power Filters: (In my experience those with and without bio-wheels work equally well)
Pros: can be inexpensive to purchase, lots of water flow for mechanical filtration, very easy to maintain, excellent aeration, decent water movement, can be very quiet
Cons: The downpour of water can be overwhelming in shallower tanks, can be loud, can be expensive

Sponge Filters:
Pros: Very inexpensive to purchase, almost free to maintain, good aeration
Cons: limited mechanical filtration capability, takes up space, can be loud

UGF (under gravel)
Pros: Excellent bio-filtration while taking up no real space, very inexpensive
Cons: Rather then performing mechanical fitration it actually makes the tank much dirtier overtime, trapping crud under the plates and being impossible to clean without dissembling the whole tank. Can be loud.
Hence for larger tanks, a combo of canister and power filter is the best! ;)

Nice summary...

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