Filter Help!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2007
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hello ppl i need help well, i bought a 20 gallon fish tank last night and i put it in my bedroom(no room), the filter is noisy as hell and i cant sleep , i have 5 neon tetras in the tank right now, is it okay if i turn the filter off while i sleep,

1 more question can neon tetras breath in salt water because i want to get some clown fishes too
hello ppl i need help well, i bought a 20 gallon fish tank last night and i put it in my bedroom(no room), the filter is noisy as hell and i cant sleep , i have 5 neon tetras in the tank right now, is it okay if i turn the filter off while i sleep,

1 more question can neon tetras breath in salt water because i want to get some clown fishes too

ok, firstly you really shouldn't turn the filter off for that length of time, have u looked into a different filter perhaps? Neons are tropical and clown fish are marine so they don't mix, and I'm pretty sure that clowns need more room than that. Have a look in the species index for some stocking ideas for your tank, but coldwater/tropicals/marine/brackish dont mix so you'll have to pick just one (tropicals probably has the most choice). hope this helps!
Also has anyone explained tank cycling to you, i can appreciate sleep may be the first thing on your mind currently but your fish are at risk, i'd read up on aquarium cycling. There is a load on this site...
You may struggle now but as with anything, eventually, you will get used to sleeping with the noise.
What type \ brand of filter is it? many filters can be quietened down by repositioning or vibration dampening etc. You can filter a tank very quietly and its probably more worthwhile spending your money now on a quiet filter or adapting your current filter to be quieter than spending money replaceing fish that die due to poor tank conditions and regular amonia spikes.

Dont turn of your filter at nights it will be lethal for your fish.

Definetely dont try neons in saltwater, neons are delicate enough as it is, without trying to convert them to salt water. Neons come from very soft acidic water very much the opposite of marine water.

Stay well clear of marines until youve got a good grip on the basics with fresh water tropicals.
my filter is a pet cetera filter

What type \ brand of filter is it? many filters can be quietened down by repositioning or vibration dampening etc. You can filter a tank very quietly and its probably more worthwhile spending your money now on a quiet filter or adapting your current filter to be quieter than spending money replaceing fish that die due to poor tank conditions and regular amonia spikes.

Dont turn of your filter at nights it will be lethal for your fish.

Definetely dont try neons in saltwater, neons are delicate enough as it is, without trying to convert them to salt water. Neons come from very soft acidic water very much the opposite of marine water.

Stay well clear of marines until youve got a good grip on the basics with fresh water tropicals.
i notice that if i raise my filter up (not touching the tank) it is quiter but in order to raise the filter not touching the tank i have to hold it up otherwise it leans against the tank and makes noise, and the motor noise piss me off.....also this filter came with a piece i dont know wtf it does i have it on my table the instructuin book said its a Stand off...
Got any pictures of the filter and the stand off? might well be exactly the piece you need, is the sf1020 a hang on filter which hangs over the back of the tank? I couldnt find any pictures of the filter youve got to help know exactly how to quieten it down, but perhaps some sort of padding between the tank and where the filter touches it? IF the motor is submersed in water the motor itself should be able to run pretty silently, external cannister filters, internal power filters and hang on filters can all generally be made to run quietly. Air powered filters can sometimes be more troublesome, normally requiring some carefull thought of air pump placement and brand.
Got any pictures of the filter and the stand off? might well be exactly the piece you need, is the sf1020 a hang on filter which hangs over the back of the tank? I couldnt find any pictures of the filter youve got to help know exactly how to quieten it down, but perhaps some sort of padding between the tank and where the filter touches it? IF the motor is submersed in water the motor itself should be able to run pretty silently, external cannister filters, internal power filters and hang on filters can all generally be made to run quietly. Air powered filters can sometimes be more troublesome, normally requiring some carefull thought of air pump placement and brand.
hang on ill get a picture
Can't find any instruction manuals on line, agree with Davids idea of the stand offs use...
Best thing may be to post in Hardware and see if anyone uses the same filter.
Then again if you have a pic, it'll probably be straightforward.
damn it my sis has my cable but it is a side filter its a hang on.

what do i use the stand off for where do i put it it looks like a normal filter
First try to eliminate the tank rattle temporarily with a sock or something, so that you can hear if there is any other noise (will try for a permanent solution once weve got a photo).

I found my hang on filter was quite noisey due to the flow control bit leaking a bit of air so I removed the flow control and covered the hole it left with a patch instead instead.
its similar to this, for the filter i can turn bubbles off which i did since the spray sound was sooo annoying. and thers a flow control

wtf the link didnt work here


hers a similar picture L
Rather than a sock, if you have some spare filter material (sponge/floss) try using that.....

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