Filter For Dwarf Puffer Tank


Fish Crazy
Nov 29, 2009
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i've got a juwel rekord 64litre tank that is going to have 4 dwarf puffers in it soon, it's got the standard juwel filter which is rated at 280ltrs and hour so i'm going to get something a bit better.
a few of the puffer sites i've looked at seem to rate hob filters but i can't seem to find any in the uk and i don't think it will fit one without cutting the lid, i was also thinking about maybe a fluval u3 which flows up to 600ltrs an hour would this be ok or is it to much for a small tank.
i've sliced the old juwel filter off the tank and nearly two of my fingers :lol: so i just need to get a filter sorted :)
i didn't really want to keep 2 filters in there as it's only a 65 litre tank and the juwel one takes up a load to space as it is.
:lol: That's ok, you're allowed to make your own choices ;) I like the Eheim Aquaball filters more than the Fluval U series but once again that's just my choice of filter. I have one in my DP tank and two other tanks and the water quality is spot on and shiny.
:lol: That's ok, you're allowed to make your own choices ;) I like the Eheim Aquaball filters more than the Fluval U series but once again that's just my choice of filter. I have one in my DP tank and two other tanks and the water quality is spot on and shiny.
thanks i'll take a look at them :)
ok thanks jennybugs, i did a bit of research and a lot of people do indeed recomend the Eheim Aquaball filters so i bought this one.

now whats the best way to swap over the filters, put the media from my old one into the eheim or run the new filter with the old one for a while :)
ok thanks jennybugs, i did a bit of research and a lot of people do indeed recomend the Eheim Aquaball filters so i bought this one.

now whats the best way to swap over the filters, put the media from my old one into the eheim or run the new filter with the old one for a while :)

Good company and good filter :D I have one of them in my 180L goldie tank and it produces a great flow. You may need to run it at a reduced outflow so as not to blast the puffs around the tank, but the beauty of that is you can always remove one or two of the baskets if you want to. You can of course add some too.

I'd run the new filter with the old filter for at least a month. Failing that you could put the old sponges in the new filter but you'd still need to take it easy when you replace them with the new sponges.
Get some Tetra SafeStart too. That will boost the new filter well :D
i'll run both filter together then, i'm just about ready all i need now is a few more plants and the puffers of course hopefully the shop will be getting some on friday, he's says that they come from tanzania i thought that they came from india ?
he said he's sold them for years and they only get to about an inch long so they should be dwarfs :)
Hmmm nice to hear he knows exactly what species he's importing! Not!

There are two species of DP not that it really matters - one is called C. imitator.

I'd doublecheck the latin names with him, just to see if the shop owner knows it :lol:

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