Filter For Cory Fry.


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
The cory fry in my 10 Gallon tank is currently running on a 20G filter, with ..stockings to prevent the fry being sucked up, i recently finished medicating my guppies, i have another 20G filter, i want to run that in the fry tank as well, will there be too much filteration? is it a good thing?
I don't think there's any point running 4x the tanks size of needed filtration. Too much current and it's going to wear the young fry out resulting in death.

I use air powered sponge filters for any fry tanks.
Hi kevin007 :)

How old are your fry now? If they are still small, they don't need any filtration at all. Then start gradually.

Daily water changes for the first couple of months works wonders by allowing you to feed them all they can eat, while keeping the water clean and sanitary. Uneaten food is the main source of pollution of the water in a fry tank, and filtration will not remove it and the bacteria that grow on it; only water changes can do that.

Once they reach a size where they are eating regular meals, like adult fish, the filtration should be the same as for any other fish. :D

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