Filter For Bettas?


Mostly New Member
Jun 20, 2013
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Hi all, I'm heading down to store shortly here and plan on picking up some equipment I need to start on my 10 gallon, aquascaped betta tank. I just wanted to know if anyone had a suggestion on "low flow" filters for bettas?
Tetra whisper are adjustable. Imagine I'm too late though >.<
Yes, I ended up getting the fluval aquaclear 20.... I could always take it back since I haven't opened it yet. 
That's up to you. It doesn't have to be adjustable. You can always baffle the flow :)
I've got the Fluval Aquaclear 30 in my 20 gallon sorority. I like this filter because it has a lot of room for different sorts of media within the basket thing it comes with. It's also got a gentle enough flow. However, mine seems to clog pretty easily in the intake because of my hornwort. The Aqueon 40 right next to the Fluval doesn't have the same issue.

It's a good filter choice for a single betta, though. :)
Yeah i have the Fluval Aquaclear 20 for my 10 gal betta tank an i am able to adjust it enough so that the flow doesn't seem to bother him to much.

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