Filter For Betta Tank

Actually my whisper works fine, it's just too much for the bettas. Those things are rated to move 90 gph which is almost enough for a 20 gallon tank. They just blow my bettas all over the tank. Do you know how many gph the Smallworld filters process. It looks to be just about what I'm looking for.
rdd1952 said:
Actually my whisper works fine, it's just too much for the bettas. Those things are rated to move 90 gph which is almost enough for a 20 gallon tank. They just blow my bettas all over the tank. Do you know how many gph the Smallworld filters process. It looks to be just about what I'm looking for.
yeah i had the same problem with my whisper when it was at the highest level. i turned it down to the lowest but then the water got cloudy - eek! :blink: so that's why i added the 2nd smallworld filter to the other side of the divider. that way the tank is kept extra clean, the betta in with the whisper side of the tank doesn't get caught up in the current and everyone is happy :p

i'm not sure the output on the smallworld filter but i will look it up tonight & let you know. i would definitely recommend it for a smaller tank.

i looked at the smallworld filter last night but the packaging didn't say how many gph it outputs. but whatever it does my bettas are thriving with it in their 2.5. i would definitely recommend it! i think it only cost about $8 @ petco.

veen said:

i looked at the smallworld filter last night but the packaging didn't say how many gph it outputs. but whatever it does my bettas are thriving with it in their 2.5. i would definitely recommend it! i think it only cost about $8 @ petco.

Do you think that'll work in a 10 gallon tank? Probably not... :/
mm_simb said:
veen said:

i looked at the smallworld filter last night but the packaging didn't say how many gph it outputs. but whatever it does my bettas are thriving with it in their 2.5. i would definitely recommend it! i think it only cost about $8 @ petco.

Do you think that'll work in a 10 gallon tank? Probably not... :/
i think in addition to whatever other filter you have it will. on its own in a 10g probably not. i'm using mine as an addition to the whisper that came with my 2.5 mini bow.
this is what my 2.5 tank looks with the whisper & the penn plax/smallworld filter. look how crystal the water is! :D

my mom uses the duetto on her turtle tank... I guess it works ok ... I had the whisper mini's on my 2 2.5's but I just switched to the deco art nano filter ... they take up MUCH less room in the tank too.

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