Filter for a 5 gal?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 24, 2004
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Chicago, IL
What kind of filter would you guys suggest for a 5 gal tank (that isn't a UGF). I'm planning on housing a betta and 3 cories or a few white cloud minnows (i read somewhere on the forums that they're a good match).
I actually have that exact set up right now (it may have been my thread you were reading). I have a Whisper Internal Micro Filter that came with a kit that I got (Aquascene 5). So far it seems to be working pretty well.
this i take it

im assuming thats both a biological and mechanical filter? im still a newb at this stuff, hehe. And how long did it take you to cycle your tank?


ooo, I almost forgot. Can I get a heater for a tank this small? We just got our A/C fixed in my house, and I don't want the temp of the tank dropping to low when the A/C's on

edit again---

i found somewhere that says 5 watts per gal, so a 25 watt like this should work, right?
Yes, you can use a 25W heater in there. I actually use a 50W in my 5 gallon, with no problems.

I've got a Penguin Mini filter in my 4 gallon, and a Penguin Mini w/ Biowheel in the 5 gallon.
Hi there- IMO i don't like the internal micro filter. Although the keep the water pretty decent, I had alot of trouble with it vibrating the tank too much.

I used an aquatech 5-10 gallon filter. Did a good job.

Or you can always try dual spongefilters. They are perfect for bettas.
each sponge filter requires an air pump, right? which ones do you suggest, or do they usually come with the filters?
I use these sponge filters
Sponge Filters

I find those sponge filters keep the water the clearest.

You can use one air pump and buy a 2 way gang valve to connect the two filters to one air pump.

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