Filter for 150 gallon.


Aug 9, 2021
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So looking to get a custom built 5ftx2x2 tank. I thought this was 125 gallons, but seems to be more like 150.

Can I get away with a single fx6.

Tank will be heavily planted with around 6 Geophagus Sveni, and a shoal of Denison barbs?
I don't think the bump was fully needed - forums just not that active at the moment.

In terms of the filter though, 150 gallons is 567 litres and 1 FX6 is 3500 litres so that means about 6x turn over which is just about ok. When I had my last 500 litre tank I had 2 FX6s on there so I had a back up, but I'm not 100% we needed the turn over. Worth bearing in mind.

I have mixed views on the FX range, I had mine set up for about 8-9 years and in that time I think I must have had 6 filters altogether as they all broke in various different ways. There is now a Sun Sun knock off FX6 which is just a white version of it, the Aquael externals look very good too as they have a pre filter (and I just like Aquael at the moment).

I think initially you should be fine with just one, its just the reliability that would make me want to have 2 - just as a back up.

Hello. You won't need heavy filtration if you're willing to change most of the tank water every few days. This hobby is 100 percent about maintaining suitable water conditions for your fish. You can't depend on mechanical filtration to do the job, most of the water needs to be removed and replaced frequently. I have a 300 gallon tank with no mechanical filter. I simply change most of the water weekly.

10 Tanks (Now 11)
I don’t mind weekly water changes, but I’ve always had heavily planted tanks, and intend this one to have serious amounts of plants which usually helps maintain nitrates. I’m in Australia so not sure if anyone knows of any good external filter brands besides the fx6
You give your location as United Kingdom - unless you change it to Australia you'll get recommendations for filters sold in the UK ;)
Ahhh that explains a lot haha. I’ve moved to Australia recently! Will get that changed 😅

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