Filter Flow


New Member
Feb 3, 2005
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I have just done a water change and changed the white filter pad

Having done this and put the filter head back on I jiggled the flow nozzle

The flow is now breaking the surface well

Is there a problem with how much this should happen

The fish seem to enjoy playing in the flow

Any advice would be great


Mark :)
Hi, :)

Decent surface agitation and flow rate is what you want. It creates extra oxygen in your water and a current in your tank, thus preventing any stagnant areas and giving your fish a better environment.

Like you say the fish "enjoy" it and so long as the flow is not too powerful to harm the fish i think you are good. :thumbs:

On another note...i hope you didn't change all your filter media in one go....this would remove all the bacteria from your filter and you would have to cycle all over again. Media should be changed one at a time then left for a few weeks to develop a good bacteria colony before replacing a different media.

I am just rambling now!! This is not the question you asked and I am sure you know all this already!! :nod: sorry. :*)


steve B)
The only problem would be if you have a heavily planted tank, then you want as little surface movement as possible.

If your fish like it, then you're probably okay. We have to keep ours on a lower flow rate to keep from agitating an African Butterfly Fish -- they like still water. But our fish loved the heavier current before we got him! As long as you don't have any fish that are easily freaked out by a current, or any delicate plants beneath the flow, you're probably just fine.


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