agreed ehfisubstratpro - great stuff
You are correct that carbon is only needed for special purposes, like clearing yellow tannins or unusual organic smells, unusual short-term events like that. Its only good for 3 days when you use it.
Meanwhile, the space should be used for more biomedia, and the ehfi mentioned is very good at that. Ceramic rings, ceramic pebbles and sponges are all considered good biomedia (good surfaces for our autotrophic bacteria.)
When making a custom media change in your filter, you also want to look at it and try to use common sense. You don't want the water to be able to "tunnel" and find a path through that goes unfiltered. So you are also trying to think about this "mechanical filtration" aspect. Some biofiltration media, for instance, sometimes bioballs will just be too big and leave too much open space for some smaller filters - so just keep that in mind as you make choices.