Filter Cleaning

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New Member
Aug 20, 2004
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Wisbeck, UK
My Juwel tank has the following filter system from top to bottom -

White fluffy filter, black carbon, filter, coarse blue filter and then fine blue filter.

I understand that I must change the white filter at least once a week, but I am a bit confused as to the frquency of cleaning / changing the other sponges.

The lady at my LFS told me not to clean the blue sponges with tap water, but to rinse them in tank water, this I did, but tank was cloudy for ages, should I have done this in water from water change?

How often should I be doing this, and how often do the blue sponges and the carbon filter need changing.

I am sorry for asking questions that I am sure you have all answered many times before.

:dunno: :huh: :*)
You take the water out during a water change, and rinse it in that water, not in the tank :lol: . Dont rinse it in tap water, whatever you do. That will kill all the benificial bacteria. Not sure on the changing it, but you only need to wash it whenever it gets clogged up. I do it every fortnight anyway.

ok, I also have a Jewel tank and yes you need to put in a new WHITE filter each week. The WHITE filter is a mechanical pre filter that removes large particles of dirt and excess food. :D

BLACK FILTER - This is a charcoal filter and removes chemical impurities from water that can't be removed biologically. The is recommended to be changed every 4 - 6 weeks. However there is a lot of different schools of thought on this one and I have opted to leave mine in for 4 weeks, remove it for 7 days while I put in a general tonic, then put in a new one for a further 4 weeks. This filter will also need to be removed if you use any medications as it will remove the medication from the water. If however you do remove it to medicate and keep it moist, and then put it back it must not be in the tank longer than the 4 week life of the carbon filter. The tank can run without this filter remember it is only to remove chemical impurities from the water. :p

Finally the BLUE FILTERS - You will most probable have 3 blue filters, 2 course and 2 fine. The COURSE Filters allow bacteria cultures to develop quickly and the FINE filter allows bacteria cultures to grow plus clean the water of even the smallest impurities. With these three filters they will need to be rinsed in the DISCARDED water from your water change. (Never use tap water the chlorine will kill off the bacteria) just give a squeeze or two in the water that has been taken out of your tank when you do a maintenance water change.

It is recommended that you rinse the COURSE filters 6 -12 weekly and the FINE filter 3 - 6 monthly. But you must only clean 50% at a time. i.e. after nine weeks rinse first course filter, after a further nine weeks rinse second course filter, between 3 and 6 months rinse out fine filter.

The BLUE filters do not need replacing until they look like they are beginning to fall apart, i.e. after 2 years. Remember when you do replace them leave the new one in the tank for a while to build up some bacteria and only replace one at a time (the time you would normally rinse that filter).
Hope this is not tooooooo complicated, i know when I first got my tank I thought i would never understand the filters but when you get your head round it, it's OK.

Good luck and enjoy you jewel tank, they are great. :cool: :D :D
The white filter floss can be washed out and will last about
1 month this will save you £'s in the future.

The only reason Juwel and shops say to throw away is so they can get more money from you.
The white filter floss can be washed out and will last about

Didn't know that danio2004 might give it a try next time, it does however come out really dirty I cant imagine it looking clean again. Thanks for that advice.
skimpy said:
The white filter floss can be washed out and will last about

Didn't know that danio2004 might give it a try next time, it does however come out really dirty I cant imagine it looking clean again. Thanks for that advice.
It will never come completly white again but it does
loose most of the brown-ness. It takes me a good 5
mins rinsing to get it nearly white :D
It will never come completly white again but it does
loose most of the brown-ness. It takes me a good 5
mins rinsing to get it nearly white 

Two more quick questions if I may Danio2004, I assume this washing still occurs in old tank water or do you wash it/rinse it in clean dechlorinated water to get it clean.

How many times can you reuse a white filter. :D :cool:

edit: Sorry got my thick head on today :*)

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