Filter Cleaning And Other Questions (Fluval U2)


Mostly New Member
May 17, 2014
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Hi everyone,
I'm new to this fish keeping business and have a few questions about filter cleaning and maintainence.
When I set up my tank I just followed the instructions as per the manufacturer (Fluval) to get it up and running. Since then I have read a lot of differing opinions on media inside etc and hoped to clear a few things up.
The filter currently has carbon pads in, normal sponge and ceramics in the middle.
Is the carbon needed or is that just to remove medicine? 
If so what should I put in the carbon pads place?
How often do each filters need replacing?
The ceramic in the centre compartment seems half full, should I buy more to put in there or is there space for a reason?
How frequently should I be cleaning it and to what extent? Is it a case of never cleaning the ceramic section and a light swish of the sponges in old tank water? Also fully stripping down the unit, impeller out etc?
I am aware never to clean the filter or it's contents in tap water but the rest I don't know and want to get it right for the fish and so I don't spend a fortune.
Sorry about giant list of questions.
I have two regular sponges in mine (I have a U3) and only use carbon when I need to remove something from the water.

My ceramics portion is full, I doubt it matters hugely if you have it packed solidly or not.
I clean the entire thing (media) in old tank water when needed (which is about monthly for me).  I squeeze the sponges just enough to remove the sludge and I simply swish around the ceramics to free it from debris.  I do wash the plastic casing under tap water as there is often sludge stuck in there and that helps prevent a sudden blurst of anything that was loosened up from being shot into your clean tank.

I don't clean my impellor all that often really, it tends not to get dirty if I have kept up on the regular monthly cleaning so I tend to maybe pull that out every few months.
Carbon is mainly used to remove medication (though it can also be used to remove things like tannins), so not really necessary.
I would take this out and save it for later in case you need it. You can put more sponge in it's place.
You don't replace filter media until it is literally falling apart and even then you do it very slowly. This is where a lot of your bacteria is.
Your questions are perfectly fine, ask as many as you like! Everyone here is happy to help :)
Hi Sean I wished id asked that question earlier in my novice fish keeping :) I followed the instructions in my tank set up and completely threw away the sponge and carbon filters at the end of the month then put new ones in and completely lost all my good bacteria :( had loads of problems ammonia etc but after seeing a similar question on here  I have since only swished out the sponge took the carbon one away and at the moment have crushed coral in the empty space to get my ph up which was only 6.2 but is now normal 7 :) this site is wonderful for advice , good luck
Love the U2, great filter!  I had mine set up high in the tank, so that it rippled the surface water.
And as others said, just swish it in old tank watre in the bucket when you do a water change.  Mine was only half full of ceramic media as well, that's all it came with. 
Thanks for the advice. I have just ordered some new filter sponges and carbon pads. I plan to remove the carbon from the filter and replace with the new sponges. When I add the new ones I will give it all a swich in old tank water to practice for regular monthly filter checks.
in my aquclear 50 I used sponge, 2 filter floss, and ceramics---monthy, I give a slight squeeze in tank water to the sponge,  I replace one of the two filter floss, and just leave the ceramics alone as they don't get very dirty and I don't want to disturb the bacteria
i have a fluval u2 filter in my roma 90, my first tank.
when this tank is finished cycling i plan to get a second tank.
what i would like to do is to completely fill the ceramic filter section with ceramic rings and let them mature in the u2 for a while, then when i get the second tank simply them in the new tanks filter (plus some of the first tanks substrate, plants, water and rocks to help speed up the cycle of the new tank.
is this a good idea or is it just as well to put the new filter media in a mesh bag and let it grow bacteria that way?
I have the fluval u2. Not had any issues with it. I bought extra sponge media from eBay. Very cheap. It comes in a big rectangle, so you only cut what you need. I only have the ceramic media that was supplied with the filter. The nonly thing I added was the extra sponge media. I clean the media once every 3 months. This is done in old tank water. I have never cleaned the impeller since I've had the filter, and that's been almost a year now. The filter has 3 settings. I prefer the none that agitates the surface water, plenty of bubbles come out of it and the fish love swimming through them. The spray bar and the lower outlet seems to gentle. Any time I switch to these 2 settings the fish seem to change about at the top of the tank after a day or 2. I'm guessing there is enough of oxygen getting in. The filter itself is quiet, but while its on the top setting, the rippling of water can be heard. You either love this or hate it. Lol.
evan47 said:
i have a fluval u2 filter in my roma 90, my first tank.
when this tank is finished cycling i plan to get a second tank.
what i would like to do is to completely fill the ceramic filter section with ceramic rings and let them mature in the u2 for a while, then when i get the second tank simply them in the new tanks filter (plus some of the first tanks substrate, plants, water and rocks to help speed up the cycle of the new tank.
is this a good idea or is it just as well to put the new filter media in a mesh bag and let it grow bacteria that way?
Your idea is a very good one, and is what most of us with established tanks do when we want to set up a new one

You do need the media in the filter though; the bacteria will spread onto the new media more efficiently if it's in close contact with the old.

And you must make sure that the media you take is less than a third, and it needs to be replaced, or you'll compromise the cycle in that thank otherwise.
what i have now done is to fill the u2s ceramic media basket to about 4/5 capacity and i have also added a second 50l capacity filter with about  1/3 of my total ceramic media inside it about 6 weeks ago.
the tank is now 3 months old and fully cycled and heavily planted.
i have also put some extra pieces of wood in there as well so when i eventually set up another tank i can add these as well as some of the extra media from the second filter to it and it will cycle quickly without the need for too many water changes.
the second tank wont be started for a couple of months though so i have plenty of time to plan ahead.
i have my eye on a 45liter 60x30x30 tank and i would like to keep one small school of fish, a pair of centerpiece fish and some invertebrates in a sort of biotope manner.
any suggestions for stocking and planting it please?
my ph is 7.4 and the water is said to be slightly hard.

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