Filter clean


Jan 26, 2005
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australia sydney
Hey guys,
Some of my fish in my tank have whitespot :/
I have put some medication in the tank, it was recommened to take out the carbon out of my filter. I am guessing that my tank will get dirty over the next
few days because of this. My question is can i was my carbon and wool under tap water because any live bacteria in it will die over 2 days anyway...?? -_-
The wool should and does remain in the filter whilst the treatment is being undertaken. Leave the filter media in the tank, just remove the activated carbon. The reason for this is it will remove the meds from your water when your trying to treat! And we dont want that lol!

How long have you had the carbon in the tank for? After a month or two the absorbing properties are lost and you need to replace it with new carbon. If its of any considerable age id be inclined to throw it away and get some new stuff! :)
Yea i know it's about time i change them, so it's cool to keep the wool on while medicating? It' been off all day today.
Its fine to keep the media in the tank. Although some beneficial bacteria will die, some wont. And its better to keep your fish less stressed through this period. :nod:

What do u mean by, it was off all day yesterday?
I had the carbon and wool out of the water all day yesterday while i added the medi in... I know have some new wool in there. Does this mean i will have to build up the bacteria in there again??? :blink:
It should seed itself in no time. I prefer to leave media in when i treat though! :nod:

Goodluck with the treatment, hope all goes well! :)

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