Filter Change


Fish Fanatic
Jun 1, 2004
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How often should I change the filter (carbon)? I know the instructions say every 2-4 weeks, but is this excessive? I just cycling, finishing up, and have a few fish in the tank. Am I going to remove any of the essetial bacteria that I have worked so hard to get by changing the filter?
I change mine monthly but then again, my instructions say to change monthly
Only when it needs it. If it's overflowing then change it or after treating with medications. Otherwise it's useless to change them. The activated carbon wears off in 2-3 days and then the bactera take over and start to colonize. The only reason they say change them monthly is so you buy more and they get more money.
I've never bothered changing mine. Every once in a while, I'll swish it around in the bucket of water that I just took out during a water change. Don't rinse it in tap water, that will just kill the good bacteria. Swishing it the bucket of tank water helps remove the gunk that may be cloggin up the filter but won't hurt the bacteria.
Is there really a need for activated carbon? I heard that if you don't change it, it can possibly leach out all the stored wastes after a period of time.

I think the last time i used activated carbon was to remove some medication in my tank. Otherwise I don't really use it.

Btw Parker313 - do you mean your normal filter sponge or an actual carbon filter?

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