filter cartidge dirty+ clouding water


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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my filter cartridge is think is maybe the wrong size because it gets so dirty in like a few minutes, and then send it out into the tank. Its a new one as well. And the tank gets all yellow looking, and its just nasty. My brother washed it, but i dont think thats good. What can i do to make it stop clouding?
If you got the right size, it should fit...

I'd suggest buying filter floss and making it easer on yourself and your wallet.
ill have to try that. I took the cartidge out, and looked in the filter, and I dont know if this is good, but there were all plants and stuff rooting and stuck in there. I whiped it out. I hope I didnt undo the cycle or anything.
Hmm, your water sounds pretty dirty.. Things stirring it up or something? Water changes?
I did one almost one week ago, so it wont need one till Monday. I did put plants in.
Did you have the foam in with the old for a while or only change a little at a time? What're your levels?

Just, you could be cycling again from taking out the good bacteria. :/
Did you have the foam in with the old for a while or only change a little at a time?
I have no idea at all about that. Or what that means, lol. Im still kinda new on these filter stuff, because it was going good, then just got a bit dirty, then it was fine, and now dirty again that I added a plant.

I did have my levels checked at an LFS, and they said they were great. But then I think the ammonia went up a little because I think I over feed the fish. Well my brother takes it apon himself to feed the fish, and he gives them SO much food. And he feeds them all the time. So I really do think that the ammonia went up a bit. Because the ram is breathing kinda fast. But no other fish are though.
Off topic, how do you get ammonia to go down?
But everything else is fine.
I think cheese_specialist was asking: did you remove your filter media (foam) and replace it with a completely brand enw one? or did you replace the same one after it had been cleaned? or did you put a brand new one in, with the old one there at the same time?

If ammonia is too high, the only way to lower it is by water changes. although i'm thinking there would have to be a little left in the water so the bacterial colonies could increase...hmmm...someone please add to this cos I'm not sure. :/ you could do with some test kits though, jsut to check.

Do you know what kind of plant it is? if loads of pieces are breaking off it and clogging your fitler, I'm thinking it's not a suitable plant for your tank. either that or your fish are shredding it. :p
no idea what kind of plant is but i think it had dead parts from others in the tank at the lfs., and we just washed the cartidge foam out.

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