Filter Bits And Bobs !please Help!


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
Arbroath, Scotland
Got a fluval U4 (also seen it called an A480) I have a problem with it though there are no directional caps


The pieces highlighted is exactly what I need, or what I would like to make if I am unable to obtain some online. My question to you guys is what should I do find some online or make a couple. I have tried to buy some online but cant find ANYTHING thats suitable. The reason for me needing this is that I have one filter that is great for filtration (U4) and another that provides oxygenation. It's pointless in keeping both as its just a waste of precious swimming space. I cannot move the U4 up to the water surface as I have crossbars that 1) Re-enforce the tank but 2) restrict the height the filter can sit at.

Any help on making my own would be appreciated.

Have you contacted Fluval support directly?
What is the opening diameter?

I would use a hose and a zip tie from the bottom opening to a 90 degree angle joint then a stretch of hose again zip tied up to the second opening which is then connected by a T-joint and hoses/zip ties. Then a 45 degree curved joint from the T-joint to direct the flow at the waters surface. You could also use hose and a stretch of pipe with holes in it to make a spray bar secured by suckers from the top opening. If you want flow in your tank then just use the top output rather then connecting both of them.

If your tank is planted and well fertilised then providing surface agitation may actually reduce the amount of oxygen in the water during the day as the agitation acts as a catalyst for the equilibrium. So during the day when your plants are producing oxygen the water becomes oxygen saturated which you are then releasing into the air at a faster rate due to the agitation of the surface. At night plants absorb oxygen so surface agitation may be required at night to keep the oxygen levels high. This effect is negligible unless your really into your plants e.g. High lights, Ferts and additional CO2 sources.

Just a heads up you already posted this thread so it would of been more appropriate to edit it and bump it up.

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