Filter backup


New Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Puerto Rico
In my area we have lots of power failures. I know that if the power goes out, my filter get almost dry and the biological filter bacteria will die, putting my tank on a new cycling.
Have anybody considered a UPS Backup?
If it is, what type should I buy? Prices?
I have - good idea, however not yet purcheased one.

we do have powercuts but nothing over 1 to 3 incidents per year max 4/5 hours per in any one incident.

I would look at the power reqiurements for both heater and pump.

total watts divided by power = Amps per hours


i have a 200 watt heater and a 50 watt pump both at 240v (UK)

200+50 = 240

250 / 250 = 1.04 amp per hour

if you get a 7amp ups that will last for approx! 7 hours

hope it helps

I use a UPS to protect my tanks, although as Ob1 says we don't get too many power failures here.

The calcs are spot on so you don't need to be buying a massive UPS - mine is a small one that we got free at work :)

Also, depending on the ambient temperature and tank size, you may not need to put your heater on the UPS. A large volume of water that is not too much above the room temperature will take a long time to cool down significantly.

HTH, Eddie

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