filter back up

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Jul 12, 2005
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is there a such thing as a back up filter for when the electric goes out do they make one that is elrctric w a battery back up
They make battery backup/surger protectors for computer & home theater use but those usually only have a run time of a few minutes to 1-2 hours and they aren't cheap. They are really only meant to allow you to shut everything down and save data before losing power. To get anything that would run for a significant period of time you would have to spend quite a bit of money ($300-$500) or get something like a gas powered generator.

I don't really know but I would assume that there would be enough bacteria built up in other parts of the tank to where your fish could easily survive for a few hours without the filters and heaters running.
Depending on the fish you have usually all fish can survive for a few days in the tank, only very sensitive fish will have problems after a few hours or depending on how sensitive your fish is you can simply purchase a battery operated air pump to keep air in your tank...

- If the power goes out heres what I would do if I had no back-up or anything

- Change 5% of the water every couple of hours
- Usually power isnt out for more then 24hours so your fish will get oxygen from the fresh water
- Normally the temp only goes down a few degrees so no worries there

If you DO have very sensitive fish, buy a back-up power source and all the proper equipment for it but if you have fish such as guppies, platys, mollys, danios, plecs, cories, and more simple fish, there isnt much to worry about

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