Filter and Heater question


Fish Fanatic
Jun 20, 2003
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Canada Eh?
Ah, my first question. :D

Anyways, I have a Regent Aquatech 30-60 (good/bad??) and this will be going in my 55 Gal tank. The tank isn't setup yet but it will be soon, hopefully I can finish my stand shortly.

But I was wondering if I put another 30-60 filter in the tank would it do me any benefit? Or is it pointless? I normally wouldn't but I can get a brand new one for 5 bucks from a friend and I was told the more filtration the better, will be able to add more fish (Not that I'll be overstocking but it's nice to know) and so forth. In a way I think it will be better because it will filter more of the tanks area rather than just one spot, but hey thats just me.

Secondly, I have a 200 Watt heater, and was told it is better to go with two with one on each end of the tank. The tank will be in my basement so it's a little colder down there but I'm not sure if it's going to make any difference with only using a single 200. I've done some searching and a lot of people use 2 but again, theres lots who only use 1. I have also been told I should get a bigger one but IMO I think 200 is about right for the size of the tank right?

Thanks in advance. This forum is great.
the regent aquatecs are not that great of filters. I would add a second one or add an emporer 400 or fluval 404 connected to a biowheel pro 60 (wait until the new filters are fully cycled then you could remove the regent and sell it on ebay. adding a second regent is far more economical but the other filters are far superior.

as far as a heater goes I'd get a fully submersable 300 watt heater for that size tank


Thanks for the input.

How much do those filters run? I only got this one because I already spent a lot on the tank and didn't have a lot of room to play around with on the filter. I'm not too familiar with filters either as I have almost always used UGF (I know I know) in the past.

Can you explain your opinion on the Aquatech filter? I knew it wasn't the best out there but it looked decent to me and a friend on mine has one and he says it works pretty good. Is there anything terribly bad about it? Mind you they are only 30-40 dollars here for a brand new one and I am guessing that those other two run at least 100 cdn which is a little out of my price range.
two would be bette rthan one imo tanked is right that they are not a patch on some of the other brands as there is two of them and if your on a budget then i would say they would be ok for a tank that size. i use an external on one of my tanks and on the other i use two internal filters and i cant be 100% shure wich is best but i think its the external.
You can get an emperor 400 at for about 35 bucks US, not including shipping. I have the emperor 400 on my 55 gal with an UGF. Works great. But in your case, get the second filter. Toss the filter floss media that comes with it and get a aquaclear sponge or similar open pore sponge to put in it. This should suffice. As far as the heater, I just purchased a 150watt ebo-jager heater for my tank. The manufacturer says it is sufficient for 40-60 gallons but i find it is on a lot of the time. 2 150watt heaters IME is best. I had an extra 300watt acura heater that i have in there as well, but don't fully trust it. This is only temporary until i get another 150watt ebo. Check bigalsonline for some great deals.
Thanks for the help.

I looked at Big Al's and the Emperor 400 is $100 (Cdn as thats where I live) while which I would love to have, I have bills to pay and all other junk that needs taken care of. Maybe down the road I can get that. What about PENGUIN filters? Those are pretty good right? I have heard that the Aquatech model puts out 10% less water than the Penguin line, which didn't seem so bad to me. Actually the PENGUIN 330, looks exactly like the Aquatech 30-60.

Anyways another thought, since I can get a second Aquatech 30-60 for practically nothing, would the two of them be better filtration than one of those Emperor 400 filters? Probably not huh, but with the two of them I figure it would filter the tank better than just the one because they are doing the tank evenly rather than on just one side. I have no idea.

impur, is there a specific filter that will fit the 30-60 that is better than what it comes with? Someone said somewhere that I could convert them into Bio wheels, which I know nothing about. But if I do end up using the two 30-60's (best thing for me I think) I might as well use the filters it comes with first right? Maybe another filter from another company which is a lot better will fit this model.

Btw, I could put this one on my 10 gallon tank, but that would probably be way overkill right? The 10 gallon has a UGF which I think is useless, but if I put the 30-60 there then maybe I could get one of these better ones for the 55. But that would be more $$ I guess.

About the heater, I think I will get another 200 watt, and then stick them on each end of the tank. Probably overkill but I'd rather have 2 of the same than 2 different ones. It's in the basement and it's pretty cool down there, so I don't want the heater to wear out or anything like that so I should probably pick up another one.

I'll go search around some more on Big Al's and see if I can find anything.

I actually have a question about sand but I should probably post it somewhere else, but I'll ask you guys anyways. I can't choose between gravel and sand and I have searched and searched the forums but can't make up my mind. What would you guys recommend? I want to put in cories and some Kuhli loaches to start with and after that I have no idea what to add. I'm worried about the sand compacting and being harmful but I thought since these fish will dig it up a lot I should be ok. I'm not too worried about cleaning it as I think I can just master the technique about hovering the vac above rather than in the sand.

Thanks again.
with cories and loaches sand or pea (very small) gravel would be best as they like to dig in the substrate. being your on a budget adding the second 30-60 should be fine. as far as the penguins go, they are fantastic too. I run penguin mini's on my 5 gallon and 10 gallon tanks. and the reason they look the same as the regents is they are except for the biowheel the penguin has added. if you can find the mounting brackets and proper cover then that is all you would need to add to convert your regent into a penguin. the dual heater idea sounds like a good plan too as 200 watts is a bit lweak for a tank that size
So if the Penguins are the same (basically) as the Aquatechs, then the 30-60 can't be that bad right? :D

I've been trying to find small gravel, but the smallest I could find was maybe the size of a, ah I don't know how to describe it. I didn't think it was very small so I figured I might as well go for some marine sand. My lfs has some nice blue sand I was going to use. Does it stir up quite a bit? I've read that sand will clog up filters, but unless it really gets stirred up and floats around I can't see that happening very easily.

I'll get the second heater, it looks like. Glad thats cleared up.

I think i'll go with sand, and still a little iffy on the filters.

Oh btw, if I did convert them into bio wheels, would I need to do both or just have one run a bio wheel and the other normal filters?

Again, thanks for your help.
I might as well use the filters it comes with first right? Maybe another filter from another company which is a lot better will fit this model.

Yes you might as well use the media that comes with it, but when it gets real dirty and hard to clean, get the aquaclear sponge. You can just rinse the sponge in aquarium water (after a wc in the bucket) and replace it without killing the bacteria colonies. I think you will be happy with the 2 filters and 2 heaters. Also i would recommend pea-sized gravel. I just got some aquatic potting soil from walmart for like 7 bucks US. Its very small and would be perfect for your tank. Sand does look mighty nice, so the choice is up to you. You are on your way to a great tank ;)

Edit: Oh yah if you do replace the filter media with a sponge, only do one filter at a time. Like one one month, then the next month the other. That way you still have beneficial bacteria in at least one filter.
the penguin 330's are the same as the aqua tech 30-60, they just come with the media baskets that fit in the a.t. 30-60,and the bio wheels that also can be set right onto a 30-60 without any mods.
i have a 55 (see signature) + 20 i use is PENGUIN'S THE two 330's i have on 55 are awesomeeeeeeeeee water is always crystal clear.....all ya gota do is rinse the filter cartridges about every month, i have had no trouble....there cheap too i got mine for $23.99

THE 170 ON THE 20gal is perfect wont be sorry..

i also use a 150 watt penn plax heater, always maintains 78 degrees, with no sweat at all, there cheap too mine was $9 i think........

setting up another tanl in DEC. thinking of trying sand, i have all natural gravel in both tanks now, looks nice.......GOO LUCK MAN!!!

GET INTO IT!!!! IT's :hey: :grr: COOL HOBBIE!!!!
Does anybody know of a web-site for the manufacturer of the Regent Aqua-Tech filters. I have one that came with a 10g kit and I'd like more information. Are these only sold in the aquarium kits from Walmart? Thanks.
They are made by Marineland for Walmart and you will find no information online. You can give Marineland a call and they call sell you replacement parts.

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