Filter Advise


New Member
Oct 21, 2007
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I have an Oceanic- 40 gallon hexagon tank with a Penguin BIO-Wheel Power Filter (200 50 gal). I am not really happy with the Bio wheel since the wheel is no longer spinning and it also makes a lot of noise. So I decided to invest in a Canister filter. Can you please give me any suggestions on a good canister filter? I have tetras, guppies, and zebra danios. Also, is the Eheim Filter 2217 too powerful for my system?
The thing with canister ratings is that you can always adjust your flow :) I like getting a size over because of the fact that it's not really THAT much more powerfull. I use a eheim 2026 pro 2 filter. Actually thinking about it now i did a review on it:

I have a 55 gallon tank and i have this filter running and looking at my tank right now.. NONE of my plants are flowing out of control lol and it's rated up to 92 gallons.... please lol.

Eheim is a great product , i have had magnum in the past and fluval and i've been very disappointed i dunno maybe i have bad luck but i've had this eheim now for about a year and it's totally worth the money i paid for it. Eheim is a top of the name brand and a bit more expensive then others.. but definitely worth it in my opinion :)

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