Filter Advice


Fish Addict
Feb 4, 2007
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Hey everyone

I'm currently running only an undergravel filter on my 36"x14"x18" aquarium. Based on advice from others I'm looking to run some kind of additional mechanical filtration to supplement the UGF, especially as I increase the stock in my tank. I'm not a fan of internal filters mainly because of the way they look and taking up space (and I'll already have the UGF uplift tubes in the back corners) so I've been browsing an online store - found this hang on style filters, and I was just looking for some opinions on the brand, style of filtrations, other recommendations or any other relevant advice. Here's a suggestion here or another which is a bit more expensive here.

Also, my tank has lift-out glass panels that act as lids under the wooden hood, at the moment they only have a corner cut off for airtubes/heater wire to come out, for this style of filter will I need to get the glass cut?

Any advice would be appreciated. :)
Go with the Aqua Clear. I used to run them until I switched my fishroom over to centralized air. Tanks outside the fishroom still have them. I have about 10 used AC 200's I plan on selling soon, too bad you don't live a little closer.
Thanks Tolak :) I was actually leaning towards the AquaClear 200/50, (I think I got the size right for my tank).

I have some related questions (still open for other opinions too!)

Can you adjust the strength of the flow well on the AquaClears? Also, how frequently will I need to change the filter media for it? Was just thinking if I order it, may as well order some spare media too, save more postage down the track. Is using the carbon really all that important?

By running the two filters (UGF and a power filter) simultaneously, will this reduce probs that might occur if I were to clean the sponge too well and eliminate some bacteria? Would it still cause cycling again, or will the UGF keep it going fine?

Anyone know about the glass?

Sorry, I have loads of questions. I'm not very good with the hardware aspect!
Oh, also with the glass lids, there's a little "shelf" that sticks out from the top rim of the tank for the glass lids to sit on, its probably about 2cm wide, maybe a bit more. Will the hang on still fit over this? Do they have space to allow for that or are they only meant to sit on the width of the one piece of upright glass wall? Or will I have to have that cut as well???

Please respond, I'm not game to order one until I know for sure it will fit without having to tear down my tank to cut/modify the glass. :crazy:
76 views? Anybody?

Sorry to be a pain but I'd like to get it ordered. But not if its not going to fit!
Seems they're pretty popular I thought someone would have been able to answer me...please??? :p

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