
Fish Crazy
Jan 25, 2005
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Dayton, Ohio
ever since my elegance coral died/got eaten I have had a film on top of my water. I moved some my powerheads to the surface to agitate the water. I raised my overflow box to try and pick up more of the water surface. Its not working. I have used a turkey baster to try to get some of the water off of the top.. no good. its not thick enough to be scooped by a net. any ideas to what it is.. and how to clear the surface?
I have what sounds like a similar film and I'm using a Deltec APF600 skimmer. I spoke with my local store and was advised it's harmless. I'll be interested to hear if you are able to get rid of it.
ahhhh my protein skimmer is out in the garage still attached to my wet dry filter. I switched to a mudd filter. hummm interesting.. wonder how I am going to get it off. thanks though
I've had this same problem for a couple of years, not a problem to fish, I just turn on my air pump every now and again.
The film is a form of nutrients that are easily collectable by a protien skimmer. You can use powerheads and airstones etc to break the surface and this will work, however the nutrients that form this film will remain in the water.
Wilkie said:
I spoke with my local store and was advised it's harmless.
Yes the film itself is harmless as it it is made up of dissolved organic waste (proteins) from food, etc. but it will severly reduce the gaseous exchange from the water surface and needs to be removed. As mentioned already a skimmer is the best thing for this or even just removal of the top few inches of water for filtration by using a weir/overflow will suffice. The use of an airstone or powerheads will break it up but, as Navarre says, won't get rid of it. At a push you can remove some of it by placing a paper towel onto the surface of the water but a more permenant solution needs to be found really.

so in the past I have heard numerous ideas for a protein skimmer. the one I had on my wet dry that is out in the garage is no longer an option for me due to my set-up now. what is a good hang on skimmer that I could hang on the side of my mudd filter so that I can take care of this problem?
Whoever told you it is harmless is nuts. I have experienced this and just raising and lowering the overflow box (assuming your tank is not drilled, which it seems it is not) will not solve the problem.

One or more of several things is conspiring to reduce your flow to your sump. What sort of overflow do you have? I have a U-tube and here is what happened to me:

I was getting air bubbles in there. If you have something physically blocking it, like algae or debris, that is easy, clear it out and boom, you are good to go.

This was not my problem. I kept re-starting the siphon. I ran an airline tube to the topmost point inside the U-tube, and connected the other end to a venturi. Worked for a copule days, then problem reappeared.

So I got an Aqualifter for $10, and that really helps suck the air and water through the tube.

But the real cause was not enough flow through the overflow. Why all of a sudden? Something was clogging my return. My spray bar nozzles were clogged, but the tube from my pump to the display was also clogged with gook. I cleaned it out, and now all is well.

In the box the water level should be at least an inch or two below the level of the tank waterline. That will give you surface skimming, and remove the gunk.

Identify and fix your problem or you will get poor oxygenation, algae growth, disease and death, if not right away over time. Identify and fix your problem or it will get worse and if it is equipment you will get pump burn-out, flood, or worse.
ahh very interesting. my u-tube is not the problem it is in great condition. I clean it every two week. how-ever my return tube. that maybe another problem. My tube is new (3/4 of inch tube) how ever my return nozzle is gunked up. so maybe if I clean it a bit. also in my mudd filter the mag filter has a sponge on the end of it (were it sucks in the water) should I leave this on? I noticed that when I took it off the return water flow is greater.

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