I've been meaning to ask about this for a while but not got around to it. The gravel I've used in my tank came from Pets at Home (sorry non UK'ers) and although it's called pink marble it doesn't look to bad, but it is a reasonably fine gravel. When I was cleaning it (seems like months ago now) the water was quite milky and it left a white ring in the bucket. When I added it to my tank (despite what I thought was a thorough clean) I had a bit of the deposit again, now I think this is floating on the surface of the water like a fine film. What I want to know is what would the best way to get rid of it, I don't think I can syphon it off because it's on the surface and as I remove some of it I guess it will get progressively harder, so I'm open to suggestions on how to skim it off.