Film On Top Of Water?


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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my lovely red betta who was cleaned out Thursday has got a greasy film on top of his tank water...I know this was mentioned in another thread. I put a new bit of artificial fern in on Friday but I rinsed it well. Do you think it is that it looks awful. The fish is very flarey as well!
my lovely red betta who was cleaned out Thursday has got a greasy film on top of his tank water...I know this was mentioned in another thread. I put a new bit of artificial fern in on Friday but I rinsed it well. Do you think it is that it looks awful. The fish is very flarey as well!

Do you use lotion or ate something greasy before changing the fish? If not, sometimes that yucky film is due to an excess of protein, or sometimes even betta spit. Yeah, they use a saliva type thing so secure bubble nests and I find that that coating is more prevalent in betta bowls where there are avid bubble nesters, especially those who make poor nests. The good nesters concentrate the spittle in one area. I also find that this has to do sometimes with Water chemistry. My bowls in FL used to get this scum quite a bit when the water was harder, now that the water is quite soft, I don't see it anymore. I know, soft water in Coral-Incrusted South FL! Go figure! My water there used to be liquid rock, now it has a gH of 6. It's officially softer than my water up in IL. Perhaps the city heard my pleas to keep planted tanks. :p But enough about me, this thread is about you! :)

Now for a possible solution. If you've got a small pump, some tubing, a small airstone, and a small valve to regulate airflow, you can agitate the surface of the bowl just a tad. This usually remedies the issue and the scum goes away. Doesn't bother the betta too much if the flow is gentle. If this is not an option, try changing the water more often. I find that the scum takes about 3-4 days to develop. Before it does, do a small water change and that should delay it for a bit.
Put an air pump in only very gentle few bubbles...was clearing the film...but the fish hated it...very funny to watch...he attacked the bubbles then swam away and kept rushing had to take it out...he thinks he has won!

Going to get some water ready and do him tomorrow!
I'd use a filter or a bubble wand to get rid of the film on the top of the water.

What's got you laughing Jollysue? I'm curious. Cause there are parts of this thread I find very funny and I just wanted to know if we were on the same wavelength? :lol:
Ok I have cleaned him out put him in my spare little bowl....just a gravel just a little bridge....thought perhaps it was the new artificial weed. and the water is going filmy is also in a bad fit!
No not having a fit! :crazy:
More like stomping round in the bowl and sitting on top of the bridge....and why havent I got any gravel? And, why has my tank shrunk? :lol:

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