Film on my fish?


New Member
Dec 27, 2019
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United States
Need help with my rummynose. What is going on and what can I do to cure it? 4 total, 2 seem to have it. The angel fish, Cory’s, and long fin zebras seem fine.


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Can we see a photo of the whole tank, is the tank heavily planted? These guys look stressed.
Can we see a photo of the whole tank, is the tank heavily planted? These guys look stressed.
Fish get stressed when sick, but fish also get sick when stressed. Depending on the circumstances I think the stress is from the issue itself. It looks to be a TON of slime coat that it made but I could be wrong... There are many different reasons for it doing this... Stress could be one factor but guaranteed there is something else
Dermocystidium is a parasite that appears on the outside of the fish and looks like little clear bubbles. It's uncommon and I had never heard of it until a couple of years ago on here. Unfortunately it appears to becoming more common. :(

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