filling up me tank, jsut some questions


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
i did a bad job of spreading out the sand and such through the rocks but the fish and the water will even this out right?
and i'll follow this site for my cycle unless anyone hass anything else to sugest,

the one exiled gave malt_vinegar

EDIT-> sorry i've said in other posts there mbuna i'm pretty sure everythings ready this is just a super doublecheck for anything i need to do before cycleing
Use the up to 5 ppm method, rather then X number of drops mehod. Otherwise that fishless cycle is fine.

Also don't forget to add bacteria from an existing aquarium, this can make a huge difference in the time it takes to cycle the tank.
thecichlidaddict said:
Also don't forget to add bacteria from an existing aquarium, this can make a huge difference in the time it takes to cycle the tank.
What's the best way of adding bacteria from the old tank?
The best way from my experience is to take filter media (filter floss works well because it's so cheap that the LFS or a friend would not hesitiate to part with it) and place into any empty space in your own filter. The more you can get and fit, the better off you are. Placing it in the filter rather then just hanging it in the tank is more effective because water is forced through it at a much faster pace (more water becomes exposed to the bacteria).
what is the ppm method how's it work

and how long does aquaplus tap water comditioner take to remove chlorine?
and it may not be level how much of a problem could that be?

t mean that the water is higher on one end by about a 1/4 inch but the level measure says it's perfectly level so i was just wandering what problems could ocur if not even I'm pretty surre i've read it ahs to be level
1/4" doesn't sound like too much, but yes, I think as close to perfect level as possible is highly recommended. Stress on the glass, isn't it? Even a small risk of a big potential disaster is probably best avoided.
I don't have the 403 but it probably works the same as the others in that if take the output out of the water and give the intake hose a good suck the filter will fill itself up. You can also fill the canister with water first and then put the top on.

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