Can anyone say what the difference is between Fiji Rock and Indonesian Rock, can you mix the two? What other live rocks are there and can you mix them? also is £7.99 a kilo good price for Indonesian Rock?
That's are a really good price for LR. My LFS is selling it at £14.95 a kilo and its not even got good colour to it! As far as I'm aware the Indonesian rock tends to be more pourous. How true that is I don't honestly know. But £7.99 a kilo is very good.
I have been shopping around and looking at prices and the fish shops around London are up to £8 more expensive.
By next week I should have my tank up and running. Cycling with live rock for about a month. After buying the live rock I will have to sell a kidney to get the fish.
I was considering the chromis fish (cheap and hardy) 4-6, a clown fish they are just sooo cute
Yellow tail damsel fish and maybe a couple of cardinal fish, but first I must get a cleaner crew (I think that's one kidney)
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