figuring out which plants like to grow out of your tank...

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Magnum Man

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Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
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Southern MN
so there are the tried and true plants that everyone uses... pothos vines, chinese evergreen, peace lilies... ( I no longer use chinese evergreen, as I found them more susceptible to getting bugs )... and then to a lesser extent, plants like lucky bamboo, and philodendron... all have grown well, out of my tanks ( even the chinese evergreen grew well, while it harbored bugs ) I have tried several other plants , one that is growing, but seems to be burning from too much light, is a mostly white variegated pothos... I bought it like this...

and what it looks like this today... a common pothos behind it is 10 times bigger, and planted at the same time

... sometimes, you get lucky trying different plants, and there are 5-10 other plants that did not do well growing out of my aquariums... but I tried a cutting of a 100 year old house plant, that originally was my wife's grandmothers a flowering Hoya, and I now have that growing in 2 different tanks, with 24 inch vine runners coming out of my nano tank, and growing into the windows, and in my experience the Hoya has been every bit as good as the Pothos, which is likely the most popular plant for this purpose
this one growing out of an Aquaclear 70 hang on filter box...

and this one, in my nano tank, cut ends just stuck in the tank

one advantage to the hoya, is while it'll grow 20 feet or longer if you let it, the clippings are super easy to root, but the vines don't get the girth that the pothos will over time... this pothos, is a little over 2 years old growing out of one of my tanks... ( and I have big hands )
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I'd be curious as to any plants you have planted in your tank, that have gone emergent??? I have lucky bamboo, but that was bought at 18 inch's long, so while it went to the substrate... mine are hung on the tops of the sides, and I have a very tall Anubias Congensis, that is said, may grow emergent, but I have that in a 24 inch tall tank, with leaves to the surface, but it's not looking like it would go emergent...
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I had Red Mangrove marked, at one time, but wasn't sure how they would do in typical aquarium water, as aren't most growing in brackish water naturally
Red Mangroves are found in fresh, brackish and salt water. I have a couple growing in freshwater that I started from a propagule. The mangrove (left) and the palm (right) are about the only plants my turtle can't destroy.

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