Figure 8's


Fish Fanatic
Jun 26, 2004
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Im looking into returning my GSP because they will get aggressive and kill each other and buy some figure 8's so if u have tips tank set up, how much salt, plants food to feed them, ect any tips would be fine.

Thanks in advance
Okay, first off, you'll probably hear about huge discrepincies about whether they are supposed to be in brakish or freshwater. I say that they can adapt to both, but, whatever you want. I think that sand is great for them because they seem to like to scavenge through it, mine does! Definately give him/her a lot of room to swim around and a few hiding places.
Most of the problems from this stem from the fact that they're mostly wild caught and as juveniles they're found in fresh water. As they get older they move into brackish waters. You definately want to be looking ultimately at keeping them in brackish waters, they'll be happier, live longer and be a lot less prone to disease.
I love my figure 8! He is the most peaceful friendly little guy :wub:

If other fish pester him he just swims away rather than nipping them and he is in a community fresh water aquarium. We are looking into setting up a brackish tank for him though, as he will have to move if we want to keep him happy and healthy...

After having the figure 8 I bought 3 SA puffers, but they were mean little things and I took them back. I'll be sticking to figure 8's in future.


First thing you need to do is check what Specific gravity (Sg=salt concentration) the fish are being housed in at the lfs. Then match your tank to that (as measured with a hydrometer), being sure to use a marine mix salt rather than "Aquarium" salt, it has added minerals that BW fish require to stay healthy. I would plant med to heavy to help keep aggression to a minimum and provide a few caves (more swimthroughs than actual caves) for them to sleep in. I like to try and leave an open swimming/feeding/viewing area in the front of of the tank so as to enjoy the puffers a little more. I also find they like to have a med-strong current and a nice strong bubble wall to play in. IME most puffers are highly personable and will usually be more active and happier with a stimulating enviroment i.e. places to play, sleep, explore, hunt etc.
Check out a few of the other posts on puffers, as there is some really good info on feeding, water conditions, tank decor etc.

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