First thing you need to do is check what Specific gravity (Sg=salt concentration) the fish are being housed in at the lfs. Then match your tank to that (as measured with a hydrometer), being sure to use a marine mix salt rather than "Aquarium" salt, it has added minerals that BW fish require to stay healthy. I would plant med to heavy to help keep aggression to a minimum and provide a few caves (more swimthroughs than actual caves) for them to sleep in. I like to try and leave an open swimming/feeding/viewing area in the front of of the tank so as to enjoy the puffers a little more. I also find they like to have a med-strong current and a nice strong bubble wall to play in. IME most puffers are highly personable and will usually be more active and happier with a stimulating enviroment i.e. places to play, sleep, explore, hunt etc.
Check out a few of the other posts on puffers, as there is some really good info on feeding, water conditions, tank decor etc.