Figure 8's


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2010
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Just got my self a figure 8 puffer. Didnt go looking for a puffer but he was awesome looking and i had to have him. He seems very very shy tho and is always hiding at the back of the tank behind rocks etc. Will he come out more when he settles in more? he's ben in the tank about two days now and his only tank mate is a coolie loach. figured the loach is quick enough to get away from the puffer andcan hide under the rocks and sand if he feels hasseled, which he is isnt at all. They seem to get on fine :)

He's got a good appetite, shooting straight to the top of the tank when i dropped in some frozen blood worm. That was the other thing i wondered? What snails are good to put in the tank for him to eat and keep that beak ship shape? and also why do yo have to deforst the bloodworm befor putting them in the tank? is it bad for the fish? i was thinking of dropping the block in frozen to keep the food together for him and not be as messy lol.
Figure 8's can be kept in freshwater, but are generally happier in brackish conditions. How was he kept at the store?
He was kept in fresh water along with 7 other puffers. I've been advised to go brackish tho as he will live longer and happier. And recently lost too many of my comunity tank so really don't want to lose another really nice fish. so gonna go with the advice and slowly change to brakish hopefully and have a happy healthy puffer for a long time
He was kept in fresh water along with 7 other puffers. I've been advised to go brackish tho as he will live longer and happier. And recently lost too many of my comunity tank so really don't want to lose another really nice fish. so gonna go with the advice and slowly change to brakish hopefully and have a happy healthy puffer for a long time

You will have to move the loach, but the salt might help. He may just be a shy fish, puffers all have individual personalities. Since he is eating, as long as there are no signs of disease, he should be alright. Once you make it brackish, you shouldn't have to worry much about that either. Very few diseases have adapted to brackish water, Velvet and internal parasites are the big exceptions that I'm aware of.

The only other thing that could be bringing him down is if your tank is minicycling or too small. Puffers generate a significant amount of waste, so test your water and see if he's producing too much ammonia for your bacteria to handle. Also, what size is your tank? One figure 8 needs about 20 USG of space.

Bloodworms that are still frozen are bad because fish are cold blooded and can't regulate their own temperature, they may hurt themselves if they eat too much cold food. As far as snails, I think as long as you avoid Malaysian trumpet snails and others with thick shells, you should be fine. Take a look in the brackish forum for plenty of advice on Figure 8s, here's a post about what snails you might consider breeding for your F8.

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