Figure 8 Puffers - Brackish Or Freshwater?


Fish Crazy
Sep 28, 2006
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ive seen conflicting articles about figure 8 puffers, so i wonder if anyone can enlighten me?
can they survive in a freshwater aquarium, or do they need slightly salty water to survive?
The short answer is they need salty water. Not much, but a little. SG 1.005 seems to work fine, but you use a little less or more if you want to.

The long answer is that while the scientific descriptions of this species were based on specimens from freshwater habitats, and the species is normally recorded in the wild living in freshwater, in aquaria they seem to live longer and healthier in salty water. No-one has given me a convincing explanation of why this should be. But it isn't unique. Mollies do better in salty water than fresh, despite being (mostly) freshwater fish, and bumblebee gobies actually come from the sorts of waters gouramis and rasboras inhabit, yet seem to do well in salty water. So in some situations fish may do better in aquaria under difference conditions than those they enjoy in the wild.



ive seen conflicting articles about figure 8 puffers, so i wonder if anyone can enlighten me?
can they survive in a freshwater aquarium, or do they need slightly salty water to survive?
would a puffer survive in a freshwater tank? or is it a case of as they get older they need salty water?
If you want to offer the best possible environment for a figure 8 puffer with the best chance of giving it a long life, then brackish water, up to 1.005 like nmonks said is best for these puffers.
As was said earlier, these fish will invariably do better in salty water of up to 1.005 SG. But will survive and even thrive in fresh water if given the utmost of care, (the cleanest of water, best food which is ensured to free of parasites and other fishie nasties etc) basically these fish have an ability to live in a slightly salted environment and because of this many diseases can be avoided because the microbes that cause them can't survive in these saline conditions. perhaps you've heard of a freshwater bath for marine specimins? well the concept is similar for figure 8's except in the reverse and the fish stays in the salty water.

Basically I'm taking the long way around to tell you that these fish can have freshwater but it requires a highly increased commitment to the care and maintenance of the fish and it's surroundings. You will have a much easier go of it if you do brackish and will likely enjoy the fish more. In the end it's up to you to make the decision on what you will do and how much time and effort you can invest.

Good Luck

im off to my lfs tomorrow, they are really good and keep puffers there. i am going to ask the guy about setting up a tank for some puffers and what he recommends.
i went there today but the guy who i needed to talk to wasnt there, but they showed me a nice looking tank, and i have a good spot for it. so am hoping to buy it tomorrow and get it set up.

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