Figure 8 Puffer & Aquascape


Fish Crazy
Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
Manchester UK
Hey all,
Just back from my trip to Rome, wow what a city!
Whilst in the colloseum it gave me an inspiration for a tank theme and scape! I took pictures of the colloseum on my digi cam and plan on having it as a backdrop to my tank, i also got a bust of ceaser that i plan on incorporating into my tank anlong with some colloums that make it look like a ruined piece of Rome ( of wich there are many sadly). On thinking this i began to think what kind of fish would suit that scape and fit in with the theme. As you can tell from the title othe post i thougt a puffer fish would be great as the 'Gladiator' of my roman tank. just a couple of questions..... ( i heard your sighs!) not somuch questions as double checks really as i dont want anything bd to happen to my fish :) so if you just agree or disagre with my points below :)

1) i plan on keeping one puffer and i expect it to grow under 10cm. (Mr Monks you pop up everywhere on my puffer scans!) so expect a 5-10 gallon tank to be fine.

2) A sand substrate will be fine in the middle of the tank, surrouned by gravel (the sand simulates the sand that was ued in the collesum and the 'fights' or feeding in other words would begin here).

3) I will need to make the water ever so slightly salty, however i will not need to keep the salinity exactly correct as Figure 8's live in freshwater/saltwater in the wild and a little change is expected in brackish water. If i was to do a 20% water change a week in a five gallon tank homuch salt would i need to add to the 1g that i change?.

4) Filtraton would be important as the fish are messy, how much turnover per hour would i be looking at needing?

5) The temp needed would be around 75-80F what power heater would you reckomend for the job of this?

Think i have all else coverd, feed once a day leave one day a week, musscles snail etc.....
Anything else i missed out?

All input extremely welcome :)

EDIT: Ok i think i may have to purchase a hydro as there is no way of knowinghow much salt per gallon needs to be added?
You should just experiment with abtaining the proper Salinity in a bucket. I don't know the exact measurement I need to get my SG to 1.005, but since I do it in the bucket and not in the tank (horrible idea), you'll quickly learn what you need just from experience. You have no choice but to purchase a hydrometer or refractometer. The latter being the more accurate of the two.

Personally, I wouldn't keep a F8 Puffer in anything smaller than a 20g, but that's just my opinion.

Most people feed two meals a day. Others once daily, I feed once daily with a variety of foods.
O right i thought a smallish aquarium would be fine. Maybe i will have to go with a dwarf puffer then, shame cause i really like these lil guys.
Anyone second dans view of the 20g? im just looking to make a nice happy tank. what would be the realistic minimum for a f8 puffer?
You may be able to keep one in a 15g, but certainly nothing smaller. While the fish itself won't get that big, they love to swim around and explore. I've got mine in a 29g, and I personally wouldn't keep one in less, because I see how much he swims now. You definitely can keep one in less, but not something like 5-10g.
Id say for the Aquastart (6.7 Gall) tank you would probably get 2 dwarf Puffer at a push, but i wouldnt put a Fig8 in it. As already mentioned, they are very inquisitive fish and do like nothing more than swimming abou and generally being nosey.

As for filtration should you go ahead id look at the Eheim Ecco 2232. Ive got my recovering Brown Puffer in something of a slightly larger size with that filter and its excellent. Having said that, if you do go external with the Aqua start be prepared to modify the lid section to allow room for the exhaust and intake pipes to get in :)

If you want more info on the modification ill bung some piccys up, to show you what i did :)

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