Fighting Fishys???


New Member
May 5, 2003
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I just got a festae cichlid, a severum, and 2 green terrors, the pet store said they could all go in a tank together, but theyre beating eachother up, i know which one is acting up its just one of the green terrors. i dont know what to do, theyre in a 10 gallon tank right now, i know thats way too small but im getting them a bigger tank in a couple days. what should i do for the time being? thanks
put them in sepearte tanks if possible, have a friend hold on ti the aggresive one if possible, or get a tnak divider to keep them apart until your new tank arrives.
thanks sooo much, ill try that, my friend has some extra tanks so im gonna borrow one.
when i get the bigger tank, can the mean one go back in with the others? i dont have enough stuff for him to be seperated forever. ?
thanks for the help
Sounds like a territory dispute to me as well, when you get a new tank you should be able to put the fish together again, provided that you have enough hiding spots/caves for each to stake out their own territories, which means having multiple spots for each fish to choose.
yes you can put them back together but did you know how much room each of the green terror's need I've got one in a 4 foot tank he used to share with an Oscar both fully grown until the problems started and fully grown is about 8inch they always locked lips and in the end the green terror chased and chased him until one morning I woke up to find Oscar upside down(RIP). If you do put them back in together put the stronger more aggresive one in LAST and give the weaker one time to find and set his terrotries :D
They dont call them green "terrors" for nothing,they like other large/aggressive central american cichlids need a minimum tank size of 40 gallons per fish.
Severums are peaceful fish and IMO should not be kept with aggressive tankmates,i would advise keeping the GT's in a seperate tank (80 gallon minimum) to the rest of your fish.
My green terror has taken to bullying my 3 plec's and now hasn't got much of a nose left butifull colouring in him though
thanks guys for all the advice, theyre seperated now, well the mean one is,
ill keep posted in case your interested.
One more point................

You actually have two fish that are known as "terrors"!!!

The Aequidens rivulatus AKA the "green terror"

The Amphilophus festae AKA the "red terror" and amply named!!!

The red terror and green terror will make Monday Night Raw (for all you non wrestling fans) look like a childs birthday party!!!!

I currently have two pair of wild green terrors and about 70 red terror juvies. I also carry many more highly aggressive SA/CA species.

someone didn't do there homework on what fish they were buying did they ooppss!! hard way to learn a lesson
i adopted them, they were all alone in a tank in the pet store and they didnt look healthy, so i wanted to save them.
everythings fine now i have them seperated in pairs, the most agressive ones together, and the calmer ones together.
thanks guys

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