Fighting Bristlenose


New Member
Apr 25, 2006
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Sorry if this is the wrong forum, but I haven't posted here in a while.
I was just watching my tank, when I noticed that my male bristlenose was chasing my female bristlenose around. The male is fully developed with all his bristles, so I was wondering whether this was a breeding thing. They have been doing this a lot for the past week or so now. Does anyone know if this is normal, or whether they are really fighting?
What size of tank and have you got lots of caves for them? Mine used to chase two females around the tank a lot but nothing came of it, maybe just showing his dominance. Any frayed or missing fins?
yep it's most likely a dominance thing but i cant say for certain of course as ive never kept plecs but if your tanks not big enough then your going to have major problems
I have a 16 UK gal tank, and there are plenty of hiding places for them, as the female always shoots off into one of them. The females fins are slightly frayed, but not badly.
It's a 2 foot tank. Also, can people look at my sig and tell me if they think there is enough room for any more fish? Thanks for all your hep so far.
Theres not enough room for territory. The male will keep harrassing the female. I had a male and two females in a 55 gallon before splitting them.
I dont think you should have the angel in there and only one plec.
I've already moved one of my angels temporarily, and I'm planning on finding a new home for the pair. If I should get rid of one of the bristlenose, should I keep the male or the female?
IMO, if they have just started this behaviour it could well be the start of spawning activities. My BN chase the female a lot more before they spawn. Is the male wiggling his pectoral fins more than usual? Hanging out around a cave more? Is the female a little chubby in the middle? These are the things that happen to mine before they spawn.

Hope this helps

I'm not sure what you mean by wiggling his pectoral fin more, but he is usually behind a peice of slate at the back of the tank, although he usually comes out to have a suck at the bogwood. The female doesn't seem to be bulging in the middle.
Thanks for the help
I'm not sure what you mean by wiggling his pectoral fin more

I mean the second set of fins from his head end. The male uses these to fan the eggs when they are laid and in my case the male starts to wiggle (shake) them before the female has laid her eggs.

Hope this helps


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