Fig 8 Puffers


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2006
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hi guys i just bought 3 fig 8 puffers for my empty tank and any way as i did it in such a rush i was wondering what else you can keep them with. any feed back would be great.

thanks :)
Are they in your Rekord 60? If so then you cant get much more in there, maybe 4 buenos aires tetras and a Banjo Catfish.

Hang on a minute. Theyre brakish arent they?
Hhmm, no Banjo or tetras then. I don't know what you could keep with them then.
when the puffers are smaller they are normal it is when they get to adult size they move into brackish water and they can live in normal all their life but their clours arent as bright.
when the puffers are smaller they are normal it is when they get to adult size they move into brackish water and they can live in normal all their life but their clours arent as bright.

That's not the case with figure 8 puffers, they are brackish water fish. It can also be argued that with fish exhibiting colours that "aren't as bright" that could be a symptom of stress. For full coloured, active figure 8 puffers they need to really be kept at the lower end of the brackish scale.
back onto topic,my bumble bee gobies are still small and have never had problems with my puffers.u can pm me for some more uncommon compatable species

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