Fez Will Not Eat


Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC
I have wasted a total of $32 on food that's now gone to the rubbish because Fez refuses to eat ANYTHING. I've tried blood worms, red grubs, daphnia, earth worms, wardley, bio gold but no, he will not eat it. So it floats to the bottom, meaning I have to clean his water over and over which is also costing me a butt load for coniditionor, I don't want to remove the food because I was hoping he'd eat it. I've had him for two weeks now, his water is clean, he's got a calm, warm, natural envirment but that's not good enough apparently. It's beginning to annoy me because I'm not made of money and I don't exactly have the funds to go out there and buy every brand of fish food just to watch him reject it. Advice, please? before I go crazy..
Try him on some veg, i prefer frozen foods over freezedried.
He's tried frozen blood worms but just spat them out and swam away and then ignored me.

Veg? As in veggies? If so what kind? Peas, spinach, etc..?
dude relax and just dont offer him food for a week.i bet when you drop anything in there after a week hell chomp it down.fish are just like dogs in that way.theyll only become fussy eaters if we fuss over what they eat.and all the water changing is only gonna make things worse.hell eat when hes hungry.just put a minimal amount of food in every second day to see if hes ready.is he blowing bubble nest yet?if not maybe hes not feeling at home in his new territory,give him time to settle in,or in future just get pk's,their less sooky :D
dude relax and just dont offer him food for a week.i bet when you drop anything in there after a week hell chomp it down.fish are just like dogs in that way.theyll only become fussy eaters if we fuss over what they eat.and all the water changing is only gonna make things worse.hell eat when hes hungry.just put a minimal amount of food in every second day to see if hes ready.is he blowing bubble nest yet?if not maybe hes not feeling at home in his new territory,give him time to settle in,or in future just get pk's,their less sooky :D

He's not eaten anything for almost 3 weeks now, he'll be dead in another week won't he? A month without food is pretty harsh, even for a fish that can go weeks without eating.
If he's not eating he's not a well fish, sure he dosn't have a bacterial infection or something going on with him.
He looks healthy and acts healthy, if it was internal wouldn't his stools be white?

Edit: I just tried to feed him some blood worms and he took one, chomped on it and spat it out. I'm wondering if it's too big? He takes 0 notice of anything smaller then a blood worm it seems but then when he goes to eat the bw he can't fit it in his mouth it seems.
Is he pooping? Cause if he's pooping, I'm pretty sure he's eating. Perhaps he just doesn't like you watching him. They don't need much, like a bit the size of their eye a day or every other day. Not that much really.
My advice: don't worry so much and don't watch him after you drop food in. I have a betta that wouldn't eat in front of me for like a month after I got him (now he doesn't really care, lol) and one that refused to eat a thing for a whole month after I got him. Just offer him a pellet or a bloodworm every day, and then walk away and only remove it a couple hours later if he doesn't eat it. But if he's hungry enough, he will.
My beat up girl has decided that since she is ill, she is ONLY going to eat freezedried bloodworms... She ate pellets when she was in the big tank, but no, now that she's in a hospital tank... I pre-soak them in a little cup of tank water to soften them then when I put them in she sucks them down, chews on them, and spits out the 'skin'? when your's spits them out are they the same red brown color, or has all the color been sucked out? cause if its coming out as empty skin then he's getting nutrience.
Ah bless him! one of mine hates betta pellets, and I am sorry to say this prefers one colour of the flake food! but it must be eating something as it poos regularly!

good luck :good:
My beat up girl has decided that since she is ill, she is ONLY going to eat freezedried bloodworms... She ate pellets when she was in the big tank, but no, now that she's in a hospital tank... I pre-soak them in a little cup of tank water to soften them then when I put them in she sucks them down, chews on them, and spits out the 'skin'? when your's spits them out are they the same red brown color, or has all the color been sucked out? cause if its coming out as empty skin then he's getting nutrience.

I'm not sure, I don't really look that close but when he eats it, I think it's brown but when he spits it out, well at least the last one he did it was white. Is that the skin and he's just sucked the inside out?
just an idea can you put him in a small tank with nothing on the floor and then you can see if he is eating or pooing?

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