few questions


Fish Herder
Sep 19, 2003
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Clinton,Tennessee, U.S.A.
ok i got some questions. thnx for any answeres
1. i have a 30 gal with 2 clowns, firefish goby, scooter blenny, turbo snail, and 3 hermits..... can i get any other inverts? preferably a fan worm.
2. can i get more hermits
3. how often should i really be testing the levels? i test them periodicly right now.
4. ive heard u can releave stress on fish by using salt..... so what do u use in a SW tank?
5. im sure im forgeting something that ill ask later
Well, you can put many more hermits in it, they as will the fan worms help keep the tank cleaner. I would test on a weekly basis at first, after a wile you will figure out how often you will need to do water changes, then you will be able to lessen the amount of testing you do. I went for over a year with out testing my reef, just new when to do the water changes. If you want to releave stress on your fish, get stress coat, putting excess amounts of salt on a fish can give them burns on their gills, so dont do it. When you mix your salt water, do it in a bucket out side of the tank, get the right level and then put it in your tank. I even go as far as putting a heater in the bucket to make sure I get the same temp as in the tank. GL and I hope that helps.
I have a sense you didn't read much or get good advice. :-(

30G is going to be very hard to keep stable. RamJet has 75G and you can get away with less testing. You are going to have to test SG, pH, nitrites weekly. If you have corals it will be even more difficult.

Even more difficult will be the fact that you are probably overstocked. For a new fishkeeper, most recommend 1" per 10G, working up to 1" per 5G. In a 30G that means 2 clowns (3" each full grown = 6" = max in 30G tank). You have probably 1" per 3G if/when all these fish are full grown. :/

Do you have live sand and/or live rock? That is the key to the invert question. If you have both, not only can you have more you must ... 1 snail/crab per gallon is the rule for a FOWLR tank or a reef tank.

Stress will be caused by low water quality. Overstocking and feeding will do that. You are going to have to do water changes probably every week, and that will be tough to keep things stable. :(
Oh, Yes I tested my 30 gallon weekly at first, then went every 2 weeks then once a month. I found that when I tested once a month, I need to do a water change right away. :nod: I dont think that if you have more hermits it will harm any thing. They really dont cause too much of a change in water quality, nor do fan worms. If the tank is new, wait a wile before you do it.
2. can i get more hermits
i think that would be ok because you don't have two much in there already

3. how often should i really be testing the levels? i test them periodicly right now.
i test my 30 gallon once a week or every week and a half.

4. ive heard u can releave stress on fish by using salt..... so
what do u use in a SW tank?
if you don't already have salt in your tank there is some thing very wrong and your 2 clowns, firefish goby, scooter blenny, are going to die.
i use ocean salt.

5. im sure im forgeting something that ill ask later
i test it weekly right now. i do 25 % water change every month and the levels have been really good.

the hermits have been in there for 3 months, same with the clownfish, the firefish has been in about 2 months and the scooter blenny about 4 days. forgot to mention the arrow crab which has been in about 3 months and 3 weeks.

i have no corals in the tank

i use a 4 gal bucket when doing water changes (also have a 1 or 2 gal to) i get the temp right in the bucket and then slowly add salt as not to add to much then i put the declorhinator in and then slowly poor the water in the tank.

i think all my fish r grown according to what size ive read the should get. all the fish get along, the clowns hang in one corner of the tank for most of the day(they've done that since the very first time they were fed. the firefish doesnt give a darn about the other fish and just swim around normaly, and the scooter blenny mostly justs skims around on the bottom and the glass, and i no already thats all the fish i can have.

i had a former algea problem in the tank but that turned out to be due to direct sunlight now all is good.
i have live rock in my tank. and some dead rock.

ive gotten my advice from many people, and some from some of u

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