few questions for a newbie

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New Member
Jul 7, 2005
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hey all .... been on loads of other syts and i thought it would be good to get a few ideas of here 2 :D

my tank is 4x15x18 :kana:

i wont a pair of clowns :D
chromis or the like ..... you can get these colourful fish that are the same as chromis but prettier :p
yellow tang or some type of tang :yes:
and some soft corals :yes:

also what lighting would i need and what skimmer

EDIT: i cant afford all LR so im getting some grotto rock to add to about 5-10 kilos of grotto ...
it will have a sump with a DSB with callerpula :D
Not real sure what you are asking, but i'll give it a go. Your tank is too small for a tang. A pair of clowns and a small school of chromis would be perfect. For soft corals you will probably need at least 100w PC, that will be your least expensive option. For a skimmer i recommend the AquaC urchin.
:thumbs: hey thanks for that ... i am in the uk aND IT IS QUITE DIFFICULT TO BUY ONE OVER HERE UNLESS ITS SECOND HAND ... THERE is one on the net for £100 i allso saw a hang on deluxe prizma would this be any good
Hi Welshy

IMO I wouldn't buy a Prizm, I have never had one but the general concencise is that they are terrible, If you are going to spend £100.00 on a skimmer why not Go for the Aquamedic Biostar Flotor Skimmer (IMO a great Skimmer)

What are you using for Biological filtration if you are not going with Live Rock

Also what type of Corals are you thinking of keeping as this will affect the type of lighting you need
If I am correct that tank is roughly 45g (UK)

Have a look at this thread that I posted 2 -3 month ago, it should help with some of the products you need and the reasons you need them

1st marine Tank Post

My replies are 4 posts down and would be applicable to your tank (IMO)

Any Questions just ask

Alos IMO I would seriously concider waiting until you can get Live Rock as this is one of the most Vital components to a Reef System and realistlcally this is an expensive hobby that unfortunatly you cant really cut a lot of corners on and Live Rock is one of them

You could try a mix of Live Rock & Reef Bones

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