Few Plants Needing Help...


Fish Fanatic
May 9, 2011
Reaction score
Midlands, England
Hi all,

I have a 125litre set up, perfect water conditions stocking is: 1 male betta, 6 cardinal teras, 4 juvi rams, 2 shrimp and an asasin snail.

Im not sure of the names so i took some pics, i know java fern and this seem to be the only success i have had with plants, all the other seem to go week loose there colour and leaves or just epically fail!

Iv tried all kinds of ferts in a bottle but no luck.

im not sure of my lighting so i took a pic:

One bulb is bright white the other has a purple tinge to it!?

So here are my current plants:



Any help and advice to keep these plants and get them flourishing will be appreciated.

if you can get a close up of some of the plants it will be better... its hard to identify from your pictures

then we can tailor our advice to the plants you have, not some generic plant waffle!
if you can get a close up of some of the plants it will be better... its hard to identify from your pictures

then we can tailor our advice to the plants you have, not some generic plant waffle!

Sure thing...excuse the rams they seem to be loving the camera tonight..






I have just trimmed them, taking off all the dead/dying leaves..
If nothing else, to help you bump this along .... I have a similar situation but with lots more plants and less light. But mine are only doing so-so. I'm wondering about what kind of ferts I could use? I really don't want to get into the whole CO2 route, but just some advice on a general, easy fertilizer to help the plants along would be great.

Nice looking fish, ez!
If nothing else, to help you bump this along .... I have a similar situation but with lots more plants and less light. But mine are only doing so-so. I'm wondering about what kind of ferts I could use? I really don't want to get into the whole CO2 route, but just some advice on a general, easy fertilizer to help the plants along would be great.

Nice looking fish, ez!

Thank you...

I'm the same not looking for co2 but something to help them grow and be healthy!
I am not sure what your plants are in all honesty... What is the wattage of your bulbs? I managed to grow a nice variety of plants under two T8 (thick bulbs) at 24W each. One was a juwel daylite (white bulb) and one was a juwel warm lite( pinkish bulb).

You might want to try some of the following plants as they were fairly easy to grow and won't need to have ferts added. Anubia (tie to rocks or wood), cryptocoryne sp(substrate plant), java fern (rocks or wood), java moss (tie to rocks or wood). Also, I have some floating plants which look really nice, one of them is called brazilian pennywort and it looks lovely and is good for fish to hide under.

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