Few Pics Of My Current Set Up

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Aug 6, 2009
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Heres a few pics of my tank

My eventual Stocking will be..

48x19x26 / 103 USG / 86 impg / 380 litre

1 x Pterophyllum scalare (Koi Angel)
3 x Red Head Tapajos (Geophagus sp. RHT)
1 x Rotkeil Severum (Heros Sp. Rotkeil)
1 x Red Spotted Severum (Heros Efaciatus)
1 x Female Hypsophrys nicaraguensis
1 x Female Amatitlania nigrofasciatus (Convict Cichlid)
1 x Ancistrus Sp. (Bristlenose Plec)
1 x Chromobotia macracanthus (Clown Loach)
3 x Metynnis argenteus (Silver Dollars)
5 x Serpae Tetras (Hyphessobrycon eques)

Rotkeil Sev




Red Spotted Sev




Red Head Tapajo





Female Nic




Female Convict


Angel (think its female)




Silver Dollars


Have to say great stocking choice :good: Love the Rotkeil Sev, definitely want one of them at some point. How fast are the Red Heads growing? Thinking of getting some juvis for my 65 and letting them grow out over the year by which time I should have my big tank, what do you think? Think the only one I would change but this is just me, I would go for jet black angels since I found out they carry the "death" gene they started to appeal to my macabre side...

Red Heads are such a great character...hes so sneaky its hilarious! I only have one right now because they are £20+ each but was planning on 2 more after XMAS (the list is how i want it to be once its fully stocked)

Yeh i think a pair in a 65 would be fine, they are a awesome awesome fish...would recommend them to anybody...would really like a massive tank so i could have a huge amount of them.

I have had my one for about a month and i haven't seen any noticeable change....i have in my silver dollars tho, they have shot from 1.5" to 4" in the same time frame! lol

I'm a little disappointed on the coloration of my Red Sev...hopefully it will colour up like my old one....i suppose that's what you get for buying fish on the cheap!

Thanks for your comments tho :D
Tell me about it I think fish prices have shot up in the past few months. Went to one of my favorite stores today, favorite because he does good fish in good health but also because he is much cheaper.....or at least was, actually thinking about it his more recent imports are at least twice the price of the older residents which is a shame. Still there are some older Julli cories in at the moment that are a nice price - look to be the real thing as well (not that it bothers me) where as he has just got some adult brochis in at £22 each!! They are ginormous though.

With the redheads I was going to try a trio see how they get on. See what prices I can get for them, quite a lot on AQ in my area at the moment so fingers crossed.

Yeh i mean they only get to about 5" and are very peaceful (although they will fight back) so they would be good in a grow out for a long time imo.

If you want...get some sand to go with them...its great seeign them do what they are meant to do :D
Yeah ive got 2 bags of play sand waiting to be washed ;)
Yeh im using play sand in mine...its a bit fine/mud like but does the job.
Nice looking tank and fish there.......didn't think clown loach mixed well with those kinds of fish though :huh:
Why they are all peaceful fish :S

Yeh Clowns mix with anything within reason....hes been in my tanks for years...hes lived with malawis, fully grown Sevs..Green Terrors, Jack Dempseys, Viejas...survived white spot and a nasty bacterial infection...his 3 mates died over the years but hes still going strong...never grows tho lol!
Geting a 100 gallon for Christmas, mind if I steal you stocking? Just kidding. Great Rotkiel
Haha I was concerened about my Nic at first as she seemed to be very agressive with my Tapajo...but shes pretty much fully grown and now the 2.5" Tapajo dominates her if she picks a fight! (hence the nips in her tail) other than that the tank is very peaceful...the female Convict which i have had for a few months (used to be a part of a pair with fry in my old set up) is good as gold and my Angel gets no interaction other than swimming with the dollars.

So all good :) and considering i'm adding just 2 more Tapajo and 5 serpaes to finish off...looks like alls gonna be good...so would recommend this stocking.

My Female Rotkeil doesn't seem to like my Male Red Spotted Sev tho...tends to chase him off if he gets to close to her territory...but then i have only had him a few days so maybe that will change as they get older.

Thanks for you comments guys :)

BTW where is Minxfish disappeared to? thought she'd like my stockign cos she always seems to have a similar taste in fish to me and i steal most of my ideas from her anyway haha!
nice selection of fish . 1 point id make tho is with the sevs i hope youre not too attatched to your plants :lol:

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