Festivum Cichlids Behavior


Fish Crazy
Aug 15, 2010
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Well I just added 6 festivum yesterday and they seem to just hide everytime I'm around. But when I walk away I see them slowly coming out of there hiding spots. Even for feedings today I would have to leave the food out and then walkaway for them to come out and approach the food. Any questions or suggestions on whats going on?

and when I get a little further
They new? A big giant put you in a bag then took you on a scary ride to a new tank where everything is differant the water is differant and you don't know what other fish are in the tank or who this giant is. Yeah I would be scared too. Some fish adjust fast others need time.

It could take a week or even 2 but they will soon learn who you are and that you mean food is near. Mine eats from my hand so just give them time.
If they are the only thing in the tank. Some dither's might help them feel a little safer.

I have 2 and they are always out and about. But from the moment I got them, I have had them in with more fish.

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