Ferts For Phyto?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 11, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I admit I am COMPLETELY clueless :blink: , but have been thrust into a quick marine lesson in trying to raise a brood of amano shrimp. They are tiny pinheads with tails at the moment, and I am having a HORRID time trying to find an appropriate phytoplankton fertilizer. They are supposed to be kept in green water/ algae bloom for the next month or so. The live culture I have is great, but I need to keep it growing (obviously). I am copying my post into this forum hoping (in desperation) someone might be able to suggest something... I have tried searching the internet, but need the stuff pretty much immediately, and in my experience shipping here usually takes far too long... even when I've requested express!! :angry:

I have started to notice small (but growing) amounts of green gathering on the bottom of the tank over the last 2 days. There is live culture in there, but no ferts. I'm concerned it's dead phyto, and if it accumulates it will pollute the tank. Then all is lost. Not good. How much/ often of a water change should I be doing to prevent this? Should I continue to add the live phyto in the meantime?

I've started a new 2L phyto culture, currently bubbling away in my kitchen. I don't think it's green enough yet, and the only way I could fertilise was with Miracle Grow and a bit of Kent's Essential Elements. I found a helpful site on the web. The only stuff I could find locally (and I searched EVERYWHERE!!). Problem is I've read Miracle Grow uses a large amount of ammonia, which would be horrible to add to the tank. So I might be wasting energy on that bottle right now anyways. Will the Kent's do anything/ enough on its own? Is there any other 'home cooked' fert I can add?? It's been my biggest headache yet!!

I also purchased some frozen rotifers from a 'trying to be helpful' lfs employee. Useful? Or waste of money and tank polluter? Don't know what I'll do with them otherwise...
no one?

Does no one feed or culture phyto for their corals & inverts? I thought this would be a good forum to ask just for that reason...

Will fresh water fertilizers work just as well..? I do have some of that..

Anyone?? :unsure:
Heh, I only know one person on these forums that cultures his own phyto. Matthew5664 does it, but he's been a little busy lately, perhaps try a PM? I know I just buy it from my LFS :blush:
Ok so I just pestered him and he says, "yes I use Interpet Floraboost for freshwater aquatic plants works wonders!" and furthermore, "but any aquatic plant food will do"

I could sense the 'pestered tone' in that response too!

Thanks *SO* much SkiFletch. :good: I appreciate you hunting down a response for me. Turns out I used the freshwater stuff yesterday.. in desperation. Figured it couldn't hurt.

Hoping it will keep things going in there.... if I can just get through 2 more weeks they should be through any critical point.

Wish me luck!!! :blink:

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