Feral Cats

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Big fish
Nov 15, 2003
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Anchorage Alaska
I was recently directed to this lovely gem of a thread, I can see why it was shut down, aquarium pictures is no place to have a debate, http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=90000 .

Alot of people excuse Cats for killing birds and rodents because its in there "nature" and that its cruel to throw water on them (something thaqt mother nature does everytime a cat gets caught out in the rain) or to shoot them. But the fact of the matter is that if your cats nature is to kill fish or birds or rodents (and it is, even the fattest cuddliest cat is an absolute killing machine, I once saw a cat with two legs jump three feet and catch a humming bird from the air) you shouldn't have your cat out were it can kill birds or rodents or fish. A Cat on the loose out in the wild is no diofferent that relesing snake heads in the local pond or a redneck poaching all the birds in an area. I'll remind you that it is in human nature to litter, but if we didnt resist that then we would have garbage everywere. It just absolutely disguests me how unscientifically people defend the environmental damage that occurs at the tips of exotic housecat claws because of the familial bond felt.

I feel like kicking someone for it.
Opcn said:
you shouldn't have your cat out were it can kill birds or rodents or fish.
Sorry Bren but that is an American attitude and not one shared by most of us in the UK/Rest of the world, where we don't have stupid laws banning cats from doing what a cat does.

It really annoys me when people say never let a cat out of the house etc
that, imho, is very cruel.

Opcn said:
A Cat on the loose out in the wild is no diofferent that relesing snake heads in the local pond or a redneck poaching all the birds in an area.
Total and utter tosh!

Opcn said:
I'll remind you that it is in human nature to litter, but if we didnt resist that then we would have garbage everywere. It just absolutely disguests me how unscientifically people defend the environmental damage that occurs at the tips of exotic housecat claws because of the familial bond felt.

I feel like kicking someone for it.
it is also human nature to have morals, it is not for a cat. So scientiffically speaking a cat hunting for fish, birds etc is NATURAL!

come and kick me if you are that annoyed by nature :grr:
Counter Pont #1) If we Can't keep cats in an environmentally frendly and kind manner then peraps we shouldn't be keeping Cats, what a novel idea only keep what we can take care of.

2) How is it different if you Put a fish in a pond that breeds and eats natives than if you put a mamal in a wooded plot that breeds and eats natives exactly?

3) Peraps MY human morals are what encourage me to protect native species, we need them to survive, cats do eat birds theres no getting around that, How do you justify that birds disapear so that people can have a furry companion?

Yes it is natural for a Cat to hunt birds and fish and whatnot, Within there natural range I hate to break it to you but there are no housecats native to the americas, I'm pretty certain that there aren't any native to austrailia or to micronesia or to any number of locations were humans have brought them and let them go.
Honestly people, is household pets really a section to start a debate in? There are people here that have outdoor and indoor cats and they think this is really rude to post.
This is a section to talk about your pets...not someone else's. :no:

As for the comment on keeping a cat indoors being cruel, I highly doubt that is true. I keep my cats indoor all the time and I play with them so they don't get bored. They are extremely spoiled and I know they are happy. If they weren't I'm sure they'd be trying anything to escape. I can try to let them in the back but they get really scared when they're out there. I'm sure you love your cats too and think that it's great for them to be outdoor and enjoy life but people do have different opinions. Do not say that it is cruel unless you have evidence suggesting so. If it's so cruel why do so many shelters not allow it for the cats that are adopted out? ;)
I'm not getting into a fight over this Bren, you are a friend and have a different view to mine. leave it at that.

(goes off to hunt grey squirrels that have dessimated the UKs' natural and far better looking red squirrel.)
mm_Simb, this is the place to discuss the issue, it relates directly to household pets.

Paul, this is a recurring issue in the states, something that would be beneficial to discuss, and I aplaud you if you are taking action to irradicate an invasive species
Actually, your title says feral cats which are not household cats but cats that are not socialized with humans.
While I still think that it's a lot better to keep actual household cats inside nobody can be forced to do so without harsher leash laws and I also think that when it comes to killing off wildlife, humans should be the main concern and not other animals.
I do think that before anyone starts saying anything to the owners of outdoor cats they should say something to the govt (or whoever is in charge) to rid of the feral cats first. This does not mean that I want all the feral cats dead, but rehabilitated so they are able to live with humans or put in a sanctuary. But like you said, cats are native to the americas so it shouldn't really bother you that they are hunting here.
House CAt reffering to any cat whose lineage is that of domestication, basically the domesticated cat. House hold cats are indeed cats that live in houses, regardless of lineage, well they need to be a cat.

Human Safty should be the main concern, if a wild animal threatens a human it should be terminated, but were talking about human fancy threatening entire species.

And I said housecats are not Native to the americas, there are native cats but none fill quite the niche that housecats do, and none have the range. Feral Cats should be delt with, but untill people take care of there animals there won't be an end to the feral cat problem because it comes from people letting there cats roam free, that would be like refusing to fix your septic system till your leech field stopped smelling of feces. It really does bother me that they are hunting because they eat birds, and without birds seeds aren't spread, and without seeds being spread forests aren't grown, and without forests being grown carbon dioxide levels rise.
If you think feral cats are the cause of trees not being grown then I suggest you turn your attention to the people that are cutting down these trees to build more houses for rich people. I'm sure humans are much more dangerous to the environment than any kitty cat.
While you think that owners should take care of their outdoor cats first I think that the city should take care of the feral population. I think they are much more harmful to the environment than any housecat.
It's fine that you have a different opinion though...good for you.
This isn't the appropriate place to fight about human nature guys, the forums here to talk about household pets!, and i don't see how arguing about feral animals, and their introduction to various countries, will be of benefit to anybody who frequents this forum.
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