
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2005
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NB/NS/PEI (depends on time of year)
Hey everybody, as you may see by my sig I've started looking for my next bettas. I was in touch with a breeder who had two lovely copper pairs, but there was a horrible accident and both males died before I could get them. Now, though, she's got a gorgeous copper sibling trio- one male and two females, and after a few minutes spent ogling pics, I'm weakening fast, lol, and I think I may cave.

I do have some reservations, though, about how to house the two ladies. I am well aware of the generally accepted minimum population for a 'sorority', but I recall also having seen some comments that sisters who have been raised together are likely to get along all right even if they are the only two in a tank. Can anybody vouch for this or veto it? I want to be all set up for them if I do buy them, and if I have to split the girls up then so be it, but if they could both chum along in, say, a 10 gal, I'd really like to know. Thanks!
well the rule on a female comeunity is to have 3-4 minimum, but being raised together and haveing the run of a 10g al to themselves should be enogh to keep them out of trouble, but you definately need to get 3 females at some point because u nvr know how its gunna turn out, better to be safe than sorry. i would ask the breeder if she has any free females she wants to get rid of or you could go to wal mart and pick up a vt girl, they userally get pretty big and have mild tempers, but they have a tendancy towards being "queen of the community" :D you could just add your 2 sisters and see how it goes, but once they get older, being sisters wont even matter, they will go after each other for domination of teh tank -_-
Thanks very much. None of the stores around here sell female bettas- even the Wal Mart that sells fish only has a sign about them, no actual girls. I'll ask the breeder if she's got any culls or anything, then, and see what she says. If not then I'll have my sis pick me one out in Ontario and bring it back with her in August.
If the breeder doesn't have any female they'd be willing to unload on you, you might be able to get some local stores to order you some... my Walmart has females all the time, so they can probably order some in for you if you ask. If you have trouble finding more females, I'm sure the sisters will be fine together until you do :)
Thank you for the reply :) My only concern with setting the sisters up in their tank and then introcducing another girl is that they might gang up on her. I think if the breeder can't offer me a cull or similar, I'll do my best to orchestrate things so that all three girls arrive at the same time to minimize headaches :D
Well if you're going to get more than the two sisters, go for four rather than three. Sometimes with three, two will gang up on the other and kill it, but with four the aggression is spread around much more evenly.
Thanks very much :) I spoke with the breeder and got two extra girls added to my order at five dollars each, which, quite frankly, is cheaper than I'd have ever got them here. My 10 gal is on its way too- I'm soo excited! :fun:
Thanks! :D My poor grandmother, who's hosting me for the summer while I work in her town, isn't as sure she's thrilled for me. She's got a hard enough time getting around my cichlid tank- I can only imagine what she'll say when she sees the 10gal and the MiniBow chugging away too. She'll probably have me move them out of the living area intot he parlour or something, since that many tanks, on top of all three dogs taking it upon themselves to act as personal burglar alarms/intruder deterrants . . . :rolleyes: Ahh, well, she's got the patience of a saint and I appreciate it, but I also appreciate people who understand my enthusiasm, rather than merely tolerate it, so thank you :p
shes a grandmum they are ment to be patient. lol my grandmum got my my first 10gal. its been like a big snow ball sence :p first the 10gal then 55. then the 125. then the 1gal now im getting another 10 for my pastel ( my step bro said "your getting a 10gallon just for a betta. your nuts" )
Gotta love our Gramas! :wub:
Also you probably already know this but just wanted to make sure... that you put lots of tall plants and leafy, hidey stuff in there so they can hide once in awhile. You know how us girls need our 'space' :D
Oh yes ;) This will be my first truly decorated tank, actually, and I'm really looking forward to it. I used to give my males a plant or two and of course my convicts love their caves but my girls are going to be the first to get the silk/stone bombardment :p I'm planning on a few DIY caves as well as plenty of silk greenery (seeing as I currently lack the willpower to care for anything else living besides seven fish and three dogs) and I have some shells that my aunt and uncle used to use in their tank, so I'm planning to make my little sorority tank the focal point of my dorm room :)

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