Females In A Community Tank


Fish Herder
Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Finger Lakes, NY
Hey everyone,

I'm planning on putting 10-15 female bettas in a 55 gallon tank along with two keyhole cichlids, WCMMs, and possibly a bristlenose or rubbernose pleco... I was told that this would be okay, and I don't see any reasons why it wouldn't be... do any of you?

Anyway, my specific question is this: My LFS has baby (0.75-1") keyhole cichlids, and I don't think I can get them any bigger... would the females pick on them, or are they okay with small non-betta fish? The keyholes would be added -after- the bettas for two reasons: I'd rather put the hardier bettas in the newly-cycled tank first and the keyholes after another week or two, and also because I have the opportunity to get the female bettas for free (except for shipping) and I really don't want to pass up this opportunity, as I never see females in any pet stores. Any suggestions?

Thanks muchly. :)
i think that adding the females first and then the cichlids would be ok. my females are in a tank with a common pleco, an emerald and julii cory, an ADF and a butterfly loach.

the loach was like 0.5" - 1" when i added it. it does well in there and they haven't bothered it.

you should be ok adding them later. worse case scenario, keep a seperate tank if the girlies get to rough and put the keyholes in there until they get bigger (like near female betta size).

the set up sounds like its going to be great. and as for the "possible" pleco. add a rubbernose or bristlenose. bulldogs are good too.

well good luck

As with anything betta, just keep your eyes on them. Some female bettas will form wolf packs and attack other fish--but not all females are that aggressive. Depends on the fish. Hopefully, your girls will be peaceniks.

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