Females Deforming


New Member
Jun 20, 2003
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I just lost a female platy about a month ago after her first batch of fry. Her body started to deform itself and twisted her funny so that she couldn't swim at all. All of my water perameters were normal. I talked to the lfs and they suggested it was a vitamin C deficiency. Now I have a female swordtail that just had a batch of babies too early and her body is starting to do the same thing. Both females have been in seperate tanks during their problems. And this seems to be starting to happen after they have fry. I also lost another female a couple of months ago after she had a batch of fry, but her problems were different.

Water perameters:

Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ph, forget off hand what that was, but it is normal also.

I know another poster had experienced the same thing a couple of weeks ago with one of her females also. Does anyone have any info on this or what it could possibly be? All of my males have been fine and have not had this deformity problem. Also, all of these females have been purchased at the lfs.

I've been doing some looking around about my guppy that seems to be changing shape as well. I posted on another forum that my guppy ( when looking down into the tank at it) looks almost S shaped. I was told that other fish , platties and mollies, this can happen to and usually ends up dying. Although i was not giving any specifics about what might be causing it, they did suggest trying Melafix ( anti- bacterial).

Sorry i cant help more but if you do hear anything about this please let me know.
I think my guppy is in serious trouble as well and if that's the case, shouldnt i seperate it from the others?

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